My Before and After | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My Before and After

Here is the ugly before pic. :)


Here is where it starts to look nice now! :) Its missing some peices but its the newest total shot I got.


Here are the cut rear quarter panels. :) SAWZALL IS MY FRIEND!


Here is some info about the truck in case people were wondering.

92 Ford Explorer Sport.
5.5" Superlift lift.
33" BFG Muds
15x8 ARE 767 Wheels and I don't know the backspacing.
Rear backup lights are the $8 special at Checker.
KKM Air filter
Flowmaster Cat back 2.5" custom bent tubbing
4.56 gears with ARB in the rear
I have rubber floor mats. :D
Hmm not to much else to put in there I guess.

[Edited by rpenner54 on 09-21-2000 at 10:10 AM]

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Ah, I see you have weights on the outside of your rims too. I had them balance in and out as well, but took the outside weights off the day after, I didn't like the look. I think I had about 3 pounds on the outside. Dead Link Removed

What size are those BFG's, 32"? Do you have a body lift or suspension lift?

Looks good so far!

Yeah I not really particular about the way it looks so. (See the rear quarter panels and various dents) Those are almost bald 33" BFG Muds. I have the 5.5" Superlift suspension lift.

Yeah one day I will get my way and the top and doors will be gone. :D And hopefully will have rolled it enough to add more character.

dang Ryan, I don't think I've ever met someone so looking forward to their first rollover! LOL

Well I would rather look forward to it then dread it. I mean its bound to happen sooner or later. I would much rather not kid myself and say it will never happen then the first time I flop on my side or something like that not sit there and be pissed at myself forever. :)


Hey Ryan,

I bet you on the next big event, say Truckhaven, I could round up enough fellows to put it on it's lid. If you want you could sit in the drivers seat :D

Originally posted by rpenner54
Heh heh sounds good! :)

Holy [expletive deleted] Ryan! You are frickin' psycho! LOL! If I get even a shopping cart ding (I have two nasty ones on the passenger side), I freak out...and you want to roll it (not to mention the Sawzall...)? My truck is my baby... :D

Oh, and Rick, maybe you should change the Explorers that appear under "rpenner54" to look like this:

Dead Link Removed

heh heh heh...

Matt, if you check the board next April Fool's Day, you never know what you may find some little Explorers doing under the tag lines of those who earned them..... Gerald

[Edited by GJarrett on 09-21-2000 at 07:44 AM]

Accually I have herculined the bottom of the truck so now when I get done at the grocery store I just run the cart into the Explorer to stop it. LOL To me its a 4x4-off-road vehicle and thats how I am gonna treat it. I don't baby it now just cause its what I built it for so its how I will use it. :) However at one time I did feel that way about it till I slid off the trail due to some intresting circumstances (Ahem MAtt!LOL) and bashed the hell out of it. Since then I really don't give a poop. :)

This is my favorite pic still. Rick took it off the site but its my backround at work.


[Edited by rpenner54 on 09-21-2000 at 08:36 AM]
