Wanted - Next Project: Replacement Transfer Shift Motor | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted Next Project: Replacement Transfer Shift Motor

Parts or services wanted


Well-Known Member
April 2, 2011
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 UK SOHC Explorer
As I am bored :p I have decided that my next project is going to remedy the transfer shift motor problem on my Ex.

Basically my Ex. won't go into 4x4 LOW. I can put it into 'auto' and 4x4 HIGH, but it won't go into LOW. The lamps will illuminate on start up and if I switch it manually into HIGH it will work. But LOW just results in a relay clicking and nothing else. Although this hasn't bothered me as this has been the situation since I first bought the Ex. I thought I'd look into tackling this now.

So...anyone got a known good transfer motor I could have please? :D
