Official Stock Ride Height? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Official Stock Ride Height?


Elite Explorer<br>ECX Member
November 26, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
New Bern, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 Explorer "Expedition"
Does anyone know what the exact ride height of 2nd gen explorers are?

I figure it may be published in the factory manual somewhere but I don't have one. I understand it changes with engine type and torsion bar rating but I was curious as to exactly what Ford states it as. I'm specifically looking for a measurement between a suspension point and the frame.

I'm asking because I want to know exactly how high my TT is.

Thanks in advance.......

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A 2001 4x4 Sport, I believe, is 67.1 inches. Is that what you asked?

1. Drive the vehicle onto Space Saver Lift.

2. Jounce the vehicle's front and rear suspension to normalize the vehicle static ride height.

3. Measure the distance between the (A) front suspension lower arm bushing center bolt and (B) Space Saver Lift. Record the measurement.

4. Measure the distance between the (A) front suspension lower arm (lowest point) and (B) Space Saver Lift. Record the measurement.

5. Subtract measurement (A) from measurement (B) for ride height.

6. When performing an alignment check only, the ride height should be between the specifications.

7. The ride height, after new parts have been installed, should be between the specifications.

8. Adjust the torsion bars (height) as necessary by tightening or loosening the torsion bar adjusting bolt.

Tighten the torsion bar adjusting bolt to increase the torque or raise the height.

Loosen the torsion bar adjusting bolt to decrease the torque or lower the height.

Ride Height

alignment check = (3.58 - 4.37 in)
new parts = (4.33 - 4.56 in)

alignment check = (3.58 - 4.37 in)
new parts = (4.33 - 4.56 in)

4x4 w/Automatic Ride Control
alignment check = (2.67-3.54 in)
new parts = (3.26-3.5 in)

Thanks Robert!!!

But I'm a little confused. Would the measurements be the same if I did this at home? OR would I need to jack it up and let the tires droop or what?

Here is where you take the measurements for step 3


  • meas 1.jpg
    meas 1.jpg
    27 KB · Views: 2,292

Here is where you take the measurements for step 4


  • meas 2.jpg
    meas 2.jpg
    32.2 KB · Views: 2,286

I think step 5 should probably say subtract step 4 height from step 3 height but the text above came straigth from my CD so I'm not certain of their intended meaning.
