Wanted - oregon inlet camp/ 4x4 beach trip oct 21-23 | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted oregon inlet camp/ 4x4 beach trip oct 21-23

Parts or services wanted
Sat is a big mud bog at grave diggers place.so im thinking we take a trip there on sat.its not to far away at all!!:)


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i say we go! i wanna get covered in mud, even if you have to go at me from all sides and fling it at me lol

i may have 2 jeeps coming with me also. jd, you member the gold tj at plaza azteca? him.
that would be one, then another black tj.

and are you still leaving thursday?

Yea im leaving thurs

you suck. now ive gotta deal with gps lol

Pass my house to centerville,turn left on centerville and stay on it till it dead ends at hardees and make a left on to battlefield blvd. Stay on it till it dead ends,do not get off till it dead ends or you will have to pay a toll.it dead ends on chesapeake blvd.make a right and stay on that till nc.simple.that's the fastest way don't use Gps or it will take you to a toll road.

So it looks like its going to be nice and sunny but COLD!! Highs in the lower 60 during the day.tent heater will be on blast!!hhaha

Since you amd will are getting there Thursday...
I'm leaving Thursday after work. Id prob get there around 8-9pm

Greg is coming thursday too!!!(wife will be down with her sis fri night)
looks like im bringing the off road trailer (with wimpy stock axle still)
it will be 7 feet by 6 and has a full 8' on side and 9.5' in center ceiling. it also doubles in length to be fifteen feet long.... i just got a camo tarp for it all and fabricated sides and a floor for it... been busy all weekend but it should be ready after some misc things including re installing lights etc...
you have to keep in mind i paid 150 for trailer and haven't spent 100 on it tarp paint and titling included..(im famous for using the "junk" around my house I've been saving for a project...) lumber plywood etc
sorry im not posting pics so you will have to see it in person or pics from after we get back..
should make for a nice lounge area lol

lows near 40 this thing plus a heater and itll be cozy...

Yea i still have a ton of work to do.i might be just finishing it on thurs;(

We need a accurate head count of who all will be there basiclly have to have ten people any more great
I have four maybe five with me plus Xeek jd and Dominican
Again we need campers

will, wills wife, wife's cousin+girl, greg, me, phillip(my friend), kyle(another friend), jd, dominican(hes coming?)

who else?

Dominican said he was coming Saturday and maybe bringing a girl
I think we should Def have our ten campers which is good because they waive the tent cost for groups of ten or more so its only 8 a person a night with hot showers bathrooms and a open field to camp wherever in...


as in not leaving early morning? im leaving around 7.30 thursday with a ranger and a tj

I should be done by tom night and partial packed by wed night.all i have to do is hook up two wires,two air lines and o yea mount that beast of a tank!!i am trying to leave about 10 on thurs witch means around 12-2 hahah. I don't know if i am bringing anyone as of now..bring some fire wood every one for the campsite and the beach;)

will, wills wife, wifes sister, greg, me, phillip(my friend), kyle(another friend), jd, dominican(hes coming?)

who else?

Soooo ummmm...cough cough..guess ill be the one to ask..what's up with the wifes cousin and the +girl??;)lol

Soooo ummmm...cough cough..guess ill be the one to ask..what's up with the wifes cousin and the +girl??;)lol

Her SIS backed out last min(blames work schedule) the other day so her cousin wanted to go so yeah..

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There's a sister and a cousin?
I tried to bring one myself, but to busy

dude your missing the whole point:rolleyes:
