P0157 code - B2S2 oxygen sensor | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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P0157 code - B2S2 oxygen sensor


New Member
August 27, 2023
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City, State
West Bloomfield, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Explorer Sport 3.5L
Hello, I have a 2017 Explorer sport with a 3.5L ecoboost engine. The check engine light came on intermittently and the code is P0157. I understand this could be the bank 2 sensor 2 oxygen sensor. However, I am a bit confused with how that equates to the terminology they use at the dealership parts department. I went in and asked for bank 2 sensor 2 and they seem to describe them as right/left and upper/lower. Does anyone know the proper part number for B2S2? I have ordered BA5Z-9G444-A with the dealership, but I don't want to start the repair and then find out it is the wrong sensor. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Right= B1 = Radiator side, Left = B2=Firewall side

Corrected: Right= B1 = Firewall side, Left = B2=Radiator side

S1=upstream, S2=downstream

Right= B1 = Radiator side, Left = B2=Firewall side
S1=upstream, S2=downstream
Thanks for the reply. I have googled the part number I have ordered and it looks like it has a grey connector. I believe it is downstream but it is described as right and left because it is used in multiple applications. I found these 2 videos and the correct part appears to have a black connector.

Does anyone have the correct O2 sensor part number for P0157 in a 2017 Ford Explorer Sport 3.5L?

Crap! I reversed the descriptions last evening for B1/B2. I edited the previous post... That oversight also caused me to look at the wrong part number...

Yes, the BH6Z-9G444-A would be the correct part number for the B2S2. The only difference in the two downstream sensors will be the length of the harness. Don't have the specifics on that. The longer harness can be used on the "short side", you'll just have to secure the extra length of the harness.

Hello, I have a 2017 Explorer sport with a 3.5L ecoboost engine. The check engine light came on intermittently and the code is P0157. I understand this could be the bank 2 sensor 2 oxygen sensor. However, I am a bit confused with how that equates to the terminology they use at the dealership parts department. I went in and asked for bank 2 sensor 2 and they seem to describe them as right/left and upper/lower. Does anyone know the proper part number for B2S2? I have ordered BA5Z-9G444-A with the dealership, but I don't want to start the repair and then find out it is the wrong sensor. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
The dealership is the most expensive place to parts from. Check the Tasca price against the dealer price. Also, Levittown Ford, a forum vendor, offers members a discount on parts. In this case, they do seem to be a little higher than Tasca.
Good luck and please let us know how things went.

