PIU AC Outlets | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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PIU AC Outlets


July 6, 2020
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2017 Ford Explorer PIU
Hey All,

I'm wondering if it is possible to get alternating current out of the PIU. Other Explorers like the Limited, Platinum, etc have 110V outlets throughout the vehicle. Do those vehicles possess a transformer that the PIU does not? I'm looking to hardwire my flashlight charger/laptop charger/5G hotspot/cellphone charger to an AC power source in the car without relying on an inverter. Thanks all for your insight.


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Hi James. The retail units have several DC power points but only a single AC powerpoint located on the rear of the center console. They also have a power inverter for the AC outlet which I believe is located under the dash on the passenger side.


I have this console in my PIU but the AC outlet isn’t wired up. What would I need to get it to work?

I don't know about the exact wiring required but if it isn't hooked up you may not have the power inverter to connect to. If the inverter is there and it is wired in, then I'm guessing it would be a matter of connecting it to the outlet. Also, if the inverter is there, it could be that the wiring is there as well but just not connected.


My 14 PIU had no wiring or inverter for the AC and I doubt yours does to. You would probably need to run the wiring yourself and install it. The inverter is up under the passenger dash for the civilian modes that have it.

I'm looking to hardwire my flashlight charger/laptop charger/5G hotspot/cellphone charger to an AC power source in the car without relying on an inverter.

Well...that's impossible by definition, you can't get AC out of a DC system without an inverter. The good news is that it might be easier to set up the inverter somewhere in the back by connecting it to the aft power terminal behind the back seat. That said, what you're describing doesn't necessarily require A/C power. There are DC-powered devices that can do what you need.

Well...that's impossible by definition, you can't get AC out of a DC system without an inverter. The good news is that it might be easier to set up the inverter somewhere in the back by connecting it to the aft power terminal behind the back seat. That said, what you're describing doesn't necessarily require A/C power. There are DC-powered devices that can do what you need.

And it would be more efficient too! Rather then covert DC to AC with an inverter then back to DC for the device. Most charger devices have a DC adapter that will increase or decrease voltage that you can hard wire in. Look up the manufacturer and look for a DC adapter or car charger.

And it would be more efficient too! Rather then covert DC to AC with an inverter then back to DC for the device. Most charger devices have a DC adapter that will increase or decrease voltage that you can hard wire in. Look up the manufacturer and look for a DC adapter or car charger.


So does anyone know or have the part number for the inverter? Thanks.
