Possible BBQ Northern Colorado Mid June | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Possible BBQ Northern Colorado Mid June


Elite Explorer <br>Explorer Babe
September 23, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Sweetheart city Co.
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 XLT
Since Matt has hosted his share of BBQ's we wanted to get some feedback on how many would be interested in gathering in our hood?? Loveland is between Ft Collins and Longmont. If you still don't know where we are, look at a map!!!!!!! We have a decent size back yard, but no bbq....and we would need someone to volunteer to cook (this is why we don't have a bbq!).
We are thinking of mid June....
What do you guys think??????
Patrick would LOVE to have everybody come up!!!!!!!

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I should be able to come up sometime...

I'd be willing to go to a BBQ in "your hood" :p


It depends. I will be able to make it, but not June 8-16, that is MOAB time!! WaaHoo!!

If you can tell me when, I will be able to know if I can go.


Suuuuure..I might be able to attend depending when its scheduled for. :)

Originally posted by ahhjaws
It depends. I will be able to make it, but not June 8-16, that is MOAB time!! WaaHoo!!

If you can tell me when, I will be able to know if I can go.

You got your weekend wrong for Moab it is the first weekend in June. You aren't trying to say you are NOT going with the Explorer group but with some other people that aren't near as much fun!!??

We are just wondering how many people would want to drive the hour to Loveland from Denver and if there is enough that want to then we will start working on a weekend that works for the majority of people.

We can try to make it if it falls on a day that we're here... June 8th weekend is out, June 14th-26th we're gone, and on and on... But we'll see what we can do. :)

You got your weekend wrong for Moab it is the first weekend in June. You aren't trying to say you are NOT going with the Explorer group but with some other people that aren't near as much fun!!??

Yeah, I scheduled this trip with my friends long before I found this site. I wouldn't mind staying in Moab for two weeks though:D .

Sounds good to me, Perry, although like everyone else it will depend on schedules... :)
