ProCar Racing Seats | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ProCar Racing Seats


Surrender The Booty
Elite Explorer
November 1, 2017
Reaction score
City, State
Lebanon MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 Sport
Another tid-bit of info for the group:

Procar racing seats will almost bolt onto the factory 1gen explorer seat rails.

Drill two new holes, and elongate the other two existing holes half a bolt width and they bolt in.

As far as where you drill your holes, depends on if you want the seat to sit further forward or back.

I have full power seats; 6 way plus air bladders on the sides. Obviously the bladders won't swap but I fully retained the 6 way adjustment.

Now I assume all racing seats have a somewhat standard bolt mounting pattern (like most winch mounts are all the same.) so this should cross most aftermarket seats, do you're research if course.)

I put a set of no-name seats in my friends trans-am a few weeks ago, and they had the same mounting pattern.
