Rear Glass Hatch Not opening 2002 Explorer XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Glass Hatch Not opening 2002 Explorer XLT


New Member
March 7, 2024
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City, State
Mount Juliet,TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Ford Explorer XLT4WD
Hello, I am new here and this is my first post here, so forgive me if I posted in the wrong format. Anyways, I have a 2002 Ford Explorer that has a working lift gate but the rear glass hatch does not open. I can push the button near the license plate and I hear the sound of the lock actuating but the hatch doesn't budge. Also, when driving it sounds like there is a rattling nose near the hatch area. I have not taken anything apart yet because I wanted to get some input on what the problem could be so once I get it apart I can diagnose and hopefully fix the problem. Does anyone have any suggestions on what too look for? What are somethings I can do before it gets taken apart?

Thank you to anyone who responds

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I can't be much help to you since I haven't had that issue yet -- but, I do have a rattling noise, and it's the plastic interior cover at the bottom of the window. Maybe tape it down and see if that's the problem. It's still held on by the metal clips, but I guess they get a little weak. Or try stuffing some paper between the plastic and the glass just to, at least, test it. Maybe use double-sided tape for a permanent fix -- whatever I did, it didn't fix it, so can't recommend it. Even if I could remember it.

It sounds like the latch itself has broken and not releasing the glass. Holding the glass but leaving enough space that it would rattle. This is just a WAG. I would open the hatch and remove the hatch cover to see what is going on with the glass latch.

Can you lift on the glass and use the button to open at the same time to see if it releases?

It sounds like the latch itself has broken and not releasing the glass. Holding the glass but leaving enough space that it would rattle. This is just a WAG. I would open the hatch and remove the hatch cover to see what is going on with the glass latch.

Can you lift on the glass and use the button to open at the same time to see if it releases?
I have tried to do that but it won't budge. It's almost as if it's like jammed shut or something because I pulled on it pressed the unlock button near the license plate and it did not move.

Hello, I am new here and this is my first post here, so forgive me if I posted in the wrong format. Anyways, I have a 2002 Ford Explorer that has a working lift gate but the rear glass hatch does not open. I can push the button near the license plate and I hear the sound of the lock actuating but the hatch doesn't budge. Also, when driving it sounds like there is a rattling nose near the hatch area. I have not taken anything apart yet because I wanted to get some input on what the problem could be so once I get it apart I can diagnose and hopefully fix the problem. Does anyone have any suggestions on what too look for? What are somethings I can do before it gets taken apart?

Thank you to anyone who responds
I have the EXACT same problem with my 2003 Limited. It just stopped opening 6 months ago although you can hear the latch try to release... If you figure it out, please let me know. I'm about to sell mine and I'd like to fix it for whoever buys it. Like you, I've pulled and tried everything except disassembling...

I have the EXACT same problem with my 2003 Limited. It just stopped opening 6 months ago although you can hear the latch try to release... If you figure it out, please let me know. I'm about to sell mine and I'd like to fix it for whoever buys it. Like you, I've pulled and tried everything except disassembling...
I will definitely let this thread know what I find out. I plan on taking the trim off the tailgate to see if I can get access to the latch mechanism. I am wondering if it's failed somehow, but I will have to find the part for it first as I look up the latch mechanism and from what I seen the the latch itself has been discontinued by Ford. Which sucks because I'd rather put a new one on there rather than a used one from a junkyard or something. Anyways whenever I find that latch I will try and disassemble the trim to get access to it and see what failed on mine then report back my findings.

Okay I have an update. I have fixed the problem with the hatch not opening. I have found that there is a cable that attaches to the actuator from the glass hatch latch. The problem was the cable came off the actuator because the plastic sheeting that suppose to stop it from doing that was broken from age. I replaced the sheathing because it was cheaper to do that rather than replacing the whole cable. I replaced both ends of the cable because the latch side was on its way out. I put everything back together and the hatch now latches and unlatches. I will link to a couple of helpful videos that took forever to find but were helpful.

I want to thank 737mechanic for these helpful videos.
Trim removal
Cable replacement

Also a little tip if your hatch doesn't open like mine did then instead of cutting the trim that goes around the latch pop the trim loose from the bottom and then pull the bottom side on the passenger side of the car and then reach your hand from around the lift gate latch to pull the cable of to release the hatch latch.
