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Rear spoiler


June 5, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Canton, Michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 Sport XLT
I'm looking to fab a rear spoiler and was wondering if anyone has tried using a Saturn Vue rear spoiler?

I have a 2003 Explorer Sport. I took an approx. measurement of the rear hatch and its about the same length.


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might be an Idea, doesn't look bad, maybe I'll grab my tape measure and head over to the Saturn dealer next door to my work on day at lunch.


The 98-01 Explorer has the same hatch shape. David of *********... has fabricated ten for fellow members. They started as a Sedona or something similar, I bought the last one, yet to be fitted/painted.

Search for "Saleen XP wing", it looks like that, this is Ted's. Good luck,


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I read CorbaXP write up/post, thats where idea came from. I was just looking for alteritives just in case I couldn't find a Sedona wing for cheap. I was hoping to be able to get one from a bone yard. Since being a broke college student, the cheap it is the better.

lol, thats awesome! The hardware probably wouldn't fit in the back hatch. Have to put it through the roof. I wonder how functional they are?

I might be able to fab something up with some hydraulic stuff, thought it might be hard find a cylinder small enough to get in the back lift gate, and a fab Sedona wing. Mount it a pivot point on the car, and have the cylinders lift it to like a 45 degree angle. I'm starting to like this idea.:D Probably totally unnecessary.

Oh another thought, just two electric motors, setup kind of like a power antenna. They would have to be able to push some weight.

Making a wing is still the best option, David has been too busy lately.

I'm looking to fab a rear spoiler and was wondering if anyone has tried using a Saturn Vue rear spoiler?

I have a 2003 Explorer Sport. I took an approx. measurement of the rear hatch and its about the same length.


Hi, so the one in the pic is that your truck with a Saturn View wing???

I was wondering if anyone tried one of the many wings out there, Toyotas all have wings, even the Ford Windstar now has a wing...

David as we mentioned made about ten wings for 95-01 Explorers. He cut the Sedona wings in half and lengthened them etc. I got the last one that he started, and didn't quite finish. It's now on my long to-do list.
The first wing is a true XP8 Saleen wing(obsolete). Regards,


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Hi, so the one in the pic is that your truck with a Saturn View wing???

I was wondering if anyone tried one of the many wings out there, Toyotas all have wings, even the Ford Windstar now has a wing...

No, its not. But it looked like it might fit.

I bought one off of eBay and this is what it looks like on my 2000
