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Recommendations for scan tools ~$200

I'm a casual/diy home mechanic and am looking for a decent but not too expensive scan tool. There are so many brands and models I literally can't sort through them. Amazon is a mess. I have forscan which is amazing but need a tool to work on other brands as well.

What features and capabilities should I look for? As I understand I, you need a bidirectional scanner that can handle multiple vehicle brands and see all the modules. Does anyone have any experience with tools in this price range?

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have had good luck w/obdlink mx the bt one but theres a wired one too. use w/ torque or obdlink great for rrwding data but cant do the stuff forscan can like w keys and what not

I'm a casual/diy home mechanic and am looking for a decent but not too expensive scan tool. There are so many brands and models I literally can't sort through them. Amazon is a mess. I have forscan which is amazing but need a tool to work on other brands as well.

What features and capabilities should I look for? As I understand I, you need a bidirectional scanner that can handle multiple vehicle brands and see all the modules. Does anyone have any experience with tools in this price range?
If you can bit the bullet, buy the autel scanner. Its about $850.
I does all live data, graphs, etc. Multiple vehicles ODB2. If you don't want too spent that much. Look for a used actron ( ODB2 high end model).
It will save $140 at the dealer charge too scan codes. It all depend on what cars you have?
My first scanner ODB1 in 2000 cost me $500 , and it does multiple vehicles and also ODB2.
Hopefully someone on here has a ODB2 high end scanner.

autel is def a good brand,, but very very costly! worth it though depending on how often you use it. if its regularly (ie. you either have too many project cars or own a shop) then i would for sure go autel. however imo for a casual user occasionally, id still sue the normal obdlinks. depends on your plans however.

Limited budget and I dont wrench much its really just so I can try to figure out if a used car is worth buying or to get some idea of what's wrong before taking it to my mechanic. Forscan has me spoiled and I'd like to get something that has more functionality than a simple obd code reader.

And just want to get the most bang for the buck.

autel is def a good brand,, but very very costly! worth it though depending on how often you use it. if its regularly (ie. you either have too many project cars or own a shop) then i would for sure go autel. however imo for a casual user occasionally, id still sue the normal obdlinks. depends on your plans however.
My friend owns a autel. He Uses it my little. He need that level of scanner because he own a Mercedes and Volvo. The snap-on scanner had a tough time pulling code without a upgrade software and could reset some issue.

Limited budget and I dont wrench much its really just so I can try to figure out if a used car is worth buying or to get some idea of what's wrong before taking it to my mechanic. Forscan has me spoiled and I'd like to get something that has more functionality than a simple obd code reader.

And just want to get the most bang for the buck.
The Actron scanner

Look at BlueDriver OBDII Scanner its $100​


My friend owns a autel. He Uses it my little. He need that level of scanner because he own a Mercedes and Volvo. The snap-on scanner had a tough time pulling code without a upgrade software and could reset some issue.
oh ok. no experience with the luxury stuff, all mainstreaam like toyota subaru honda ford chevy those brands the autel hasnt done too much more exvept for some of the draler level stuff but for pulling codes etc its been the same as the ovdlink

Guys links would be appreciated.

I had some time to dig today and ended up going with this one:


( I had to remove the http// because it wasnt linking properly.)

It goes for about $200 which was about as much as I really wanted to spend. It's bidirectional and does...
4 System Diagnostic Tool: use this car system diagnostic tool to deep dive into Engine/ABS/SRS/Transmission systems for a health check; read codes, access plenty of live data for any fault notifications.
8 Hot Services: for Oil/BMS/ABS/DPF/TPMS/SAS/Brake Resets and Throttle Adaptation; covering your daily maintenance needs for a fleet of worldwide vehicles.
I wanted one with tpms reset so I can rotate my own tires. Imagine living in a world where you need a specialized tool to rotate tires and here we are.

Hopefully it actually works with my other vehicles. We have a 19 kia soul which is still under warranty and an 08 nissan versa which is long out of warranty. I have forscan for the explorer and my maverick but the mav goes to the dealer. Even for stuff under warranty it's very nice to be able to cross check what they are telling you with what the code reader says.
