Replace the mirror turn signal / blinker light strip | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Replace the mirror turn signal / blinker light strip

Primo 79-02

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September 25, 2013
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2014 Ford Explorer Sport
Some nice person clipped my driver side mirror light strip and broke it. Can yall point me in the right direction for the repair, I have been searching the forum for 2 days and found nothing. I already have the part just need to figure out how to put it in. Thank you (2014 explorer sport tux black)

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I don't believe there are any posts on replacing this item. There is one where another member had damaged it but no followup was ever posted on its replacement. The mirror is made up of several parts including the cap or cover. Perhaps it has to be removed first. Here is what shows;



  • RenderIllustration2.jpg
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I'm only basing this off my Superduty and how the light lens is replaced. This may not be correct in any way but try this. Point the mirror all the way up and to the right which will give you as big of a gap as possible not he bottom left corner.. Look inside behind the mirror and see if you have a tab to press on (may need a flashlight).

With the super duty, I do this and then use a flat screw driver to slide behind the glass and press on the tab which then pops the lens out.

ok, so I went out to mine to look at it because it was bothering me now.. looks a little more difficult. If you move the mirror like I said, you can see that there is a T15 torn screw holding the bottom portion of the light in. However, from what I can see, the mirror has to come off as well to gain full access to the screws. I did take the one screw out and it wouldn't budge and not about to go any further and risk breaking something.


Now I'm curius too.

I read another poster who was doing a mod related to tinting/painting the lenses or replacing the amber signal LEDs under the lenses. Long story short, he mentioned that the lenses are fused in and cannot be removed.

Yet you found a clue that points to the contrary. Interesting.

this is directly out pf the factory shop manual the cover is the top plastic portion above the turn lamp your trying to replace done with mirror on veh. I have done a few of them not recently but in the past year or two. You have to remove the glass first you raise it up ward there are 4 locking tabs you release with a straight screw driver .Tabs are at 3 oclock 4. 8. and 10 roughly To install the glass hold your hand flat as possible and push in till tabs lock on.

1. remove the mirror motor

2. remove the mirror cover (4 Locking tabs inside)

3. remove the puddle lamp

4. release the two tabs and remove the mirror turn signal

this is directly out pf the factory shop manual the cover is the top plastic portion above the turn lamp your trying to replace done with mirror on veh. I have done a few of them not recently but in the past year or two. You have to remove the glass first you raise it up ward there are 4 locking tabs you release with a straight screw driver .Tabs are at 3 oclock 4. 8. and 10 roughly To install the glass hold your hand flat as possible and push in till tabs lock on.

1. remove the mirror motor

2. remove the mirror cover (4 Locking tabs inside)

3. remove the puddle lamp

4. release the two tabs and remove the mirror turn signal

Suuhweet! Saving this post for later!

Side view mirror repair

I have bought a 2013 Explorer Limited, love driving it. Problem is previous owner had broken the turn indicator on passenger side mirror. I have bought the LED side lamp to replace broken one, but can't see how to take apart the mirror. Appears to be sandwiched between inner & outer assembly. Is there a way to remove glass without breaking it to allow access?

If you give me your email address I can email some helpful information.

How do you remove the clips holding the mirror in place? I see the 4 but have no clue how to attack it.

Thanks, mirror came out pretty easy. Now that I replaced the light the front housing is giving me hell to put back together.

2015 Limited Side Mirror Light Strip

New to the forum as just purchased my first Explorer--2015 Limited. Bought used at a dealer and failed to notice a bunch of water settled in the passenger side, side mirror turn signal lens. If the process is the same, can I get a copy of that useful info jmr061? Many thanks!

New to the forum as just purchased my first Explorer--2015 Limited. Bought used at a dealer and failed to notice a bunch of water settled in the passenger side, side mirror turn signal lens. If the process is the same, can I get a copy of that useful info jmr061? Many thanks!
Welcome to the Forum.:wavey:
Have you mentioned it to the dealer? Also, it would be helpful if you added the 'trim' level (Limited) to your profile so it always shows in the margin.


If you give me your email address I can email some helpful information.
Hello, i was hoping you can help me with fixing my side mirror turn signal. I seen someone else need your help. do you think you can help me out?

Hello, i was hoping you can help me with fixing my side mirror turn signal. I seen someone else need your help. do you think you can help me out?
Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
I suggest that sending Jason, jmr061, a private message (Start a Conversation) may be the way to go here rather than hoping he sees your post.


If you need a quote for a replacement part please message me your VIN and I will send you a link


Does anyone else have the copy of a service manual for this repair? I reached out to jmr061 but he no longer will forward service procedures.

Does anyone else have the copy of a service manual for this repair? I reached out to jmr061 but he no longer will forward service procedures.
It seems post #6 has the procedure.


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This attachment may help


Thanks Benny.

Both my mirror turn signal lights were damaged in "backing out of the garage" incidents. The light strip lens cracked and the led lights eventually failed due to moisture over the course of a few years.

1) Removing the mirror glass is the first step in replacing the mirror turn signal light. (And the trickiest step to figure out.)
2) The second step is to remove the bezel that's held in place with 4 screws.
3) The puddle lamp needs to be removed. There's a molded in tab that you depress.
4) The mirror motor is held in place with 3 more screws.
5) And then the lower housing that holds the mirror turn signal can be removed. It's snapped in place and I wiggled it to get it to come off.
6) The actual light is held in with 2 plastic molded in clips and removes to the inside. So the full disassembly is required to get to it.

Not hard, just takes some patience. I replaced both lights in under an hour.

