Screen Conversion W/Sync | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Screen Conversion W/Sync


New Member
April 23, 2022
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City, State
Fort Worth, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 Explorer Police
I am looking into the conversion of a 4 to 8 in screen on my 2016 police utility. I have done research on the topic, and it appears most people encounter an issue because they dont have Sync. I am fortunate to have bought one with Sync. My question is, would it be a simple swap of getting an aftermarket screen that fits, any extra wires/modules required for aftermarket radios, along with the bezel that is meant for the 8 in screen? Below is an example of the bezel.

Im looking at it as if I had a standard XLT Explorer and wanted to do the screen upgrade, but I am not sure if there is anything else different on the police trim. I also want to make sure with the bezel swap that I retain all functions of the AC/Climate.

Thanks in advance.

No...not that simple. Lots of modules need to be changed. There are companies that sell a plug and play system...about $2200...
