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Show us your custom bumper photos!!

this is one i had custom built. it has a winch box behind the ford plate



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I like that bumper a lot. Small and simple

THANKS....yeah i like it and it gives me great front end protection.

Now that my new build made its debut in Moab and isn't a secret anymore, here are a few photos of my front and rear bumpers I built. They are 1/4" steel for the frame & winch mounts and 1.75"x.120" tube. Each tube is continuous and passes through the plates. The smaller tubes are 1.25"x.120" tube for the LED bar hoop and rear body protection. The goal for both was simplicity, high clearance and lightweight.

Photos by Rick

Very nice.
The only thing I don't like about my plate bumpers is the weight. Front with the winch is about 120 lbs, rear with tire and full gas can is well over 250.

Wrong thread, I know, but can we get more pictures of your sliders? And what happened to your other Explorer?

Wrong thread, I know, but can we get more pictures of your sliders? And what happened to your other Explorer?

Yes, build thread coming soon! Still have my other one, keeping it for overlanding and daily duties while the new one is my trail truck.

That turned out real good!
thanks, i have a little more work to do on it still but i think it came out pretty good!

i luv that bumper. that's what i need

i luv that bumper. that's what i need
haha thanks, thats how i felt, its getting added to soon as well to be even more rugged and useful!

haha thanks, thats how i felt, its getting added to soon as well to be even more rugged and useful!

i notice ur from maine. any where near the state line ? i lived i nh my whole life until 8 years ago. u think u could build another one of those rear bumpers ?

i notice ur from maine. any where near the state line ? i lived i nh my whole life until 8 years ago. u think u could build another one of those rear bumpers ?

I am in auburn most of the time if that works. I may be able to build you one. time is soon going to be a lot less plentiful for me since classes are starting back up (Im a machining student) and basically the only free time i have will be late evenings and maybe some weekends but I can check back with you once the fall semester starts up and i find out if i would have enough time to do one. that's if you're still interested since I'm not super close to the state line..

Also added this to my bumper. It isnt one but I built it specifically for the bumper and had it in mind while building the bumper. I'll post more in depth pictures hopefully once i get my old phone working, though the pictures may be lost..


I am in auburn most of the time if that works. I may be able to build you one. time is soon going to be a lot less plentiful for me since classes are starting back up (Im a machining student) and basically the only free time i have will be late evenings and maybe some weekends but I can check back with you once the fall semester starts up and i find out if i would have enough time to do one. that's if you're still interested since I'm not super close to the state line..

well im not close to the state line at all any more...i live in south carolina now....lol but i do get up that way to visit. let me know what u would charge for one and i'll see if i can afford it. i drove 12 hours to get my front bumper. so the distance is not an issue.

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