" Stage 2 " Intake 04-05 | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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" Stage 2 " Intake 04-05

How is that KKM intake any noticable gains? Doe's it sound good.

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Got a couple of photo's with the stage two kit in. There is a slight kink in the vacuum line, but it doesn't seem to effect performance. Does anyone know if it will hurt the engine and where that line goes to?


  • 15012011_002.jpg
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  • 15012011_003.jpg
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Got a couple of photo's with the stage two kit in. There is a slight kink in the vacuum line, but it doesn't seem to effect performance. Does anyone know if it will hurt the engine and where that line goes to?

Shouldn't affect anything. That line is a very weak vacuum anyway.
I actually cut my crankcase vent hose down so it wouldn't be as kinked.

EDIT: Hmm...you're master cyclinder and booster in on the wrong side :D You may want to fix that....


Everything is mirrored in the land of Oz!:D

At least the engine is sitting correctly :p: And someone needs to wash their engine

Ssssh, Joe will hear you:eek: By the way cheers for that info on the vacuum hose.:thumbsup:

looks just like it should !

how much did you open up the bottom of the box ?

Clunk...clunk...whirr, I'm pretty sure I did seven 4/5" holes on the front, nine on the fender side and three on the back.

Does anyone notice a turbo like whistle from their aftermarket intake? Cause everytime I start my ex up and rev it sounds like its got a turbo.

i dont really notice a whistle noise like a turbo, but i can deff hear my X pulling more air

Maybe I'll post a video of it, see if anyone can relate to the whistle. I may have cleaned my TB so much, that it whistles. :rolleyes: I assume my "stage 3" intake has a lot to do with it.

I do get a whistle between 2k - 3k. Not really noticable, I have to listen for it over the radio. I don't mind it tho', like you said it sounds a bit like I have a turbo (jeez I can be a try hard):D

Any one suffer a fair loss of mpg after doing this mod? I went from a rough 15 1/2 to 14 around town.
Not overly accurate measure, but no winter fuel issues down here. I've just been noticing the gauge drop a bit quicker lately.

take into consideration, that the Tunes use a little more fuel to produce a little more power out of the engine. also consider that even though the tuner can adjust for larger tires for rpm's, your gears are probably still the factory gears. larger tires are putting more stress on the transmission which is causing the engine to work harder as well...

TQ tunes also use more fuel than regular street tunes also i believe. with the 93 TQ tune im running, i noticed a 1 mpg drop from my 89 street tune. the tune uses more fuel in the low to mid range rpm's...

This was an overnight thing after the intake pipe went on. I was maybe hoping it would sort itself out ?

if you do some data logging, james can do a fine tune for your X i believe...

once i switch tunes, i will begin my data logging for some fine adjustments

No worries, I wondering if anyone had the drop. Did you get better mpg or worse after you did yours and was that mod included in the list you gave to James as he wrote your tune?

i actually noticed a drop in mpg with the tunes, but I also have a few contributing factors at the moment...

lets continue this in the tune thread you posted, just to keep this thread clear...

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Just wondering what you used to secure the 22 degree and 90 degree tubes together?
