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Stall / No start?

Joe Dirt

Explorer Addict
October 4, 2007
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
07 Camry
What happened today?

Went to AutoZone to buy a new bearing for my squealing idler pulley (figured it out!) an when i came out, I started Snowball and threw it in drive, pulled out about 5 feet, and she stalls. Then, starts up, rumbles for about 2 seconds, stalls. Then, won't start at all- just cranks. I can hear the pump cycle, and it was way too soon to run out of fuel, so I know it wasn't that.

So, I push her back into the spot, sit for about 5 minutes, try again, restart, and all is well- and was great all day.

What happened? :(


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I had a feeling that it was either the belt or the idler pulley. I didn't know that you could buy a separate bearing for it from the auto parts store instead of replacing the entire assembly. Does it stall even though you have your foot on the accelerator?

stalling and overcrank

I had the same problem about three years ago with my 99 explorer xlt. A friend of mine who used to be a mechanic at a local ford dealership told me to take apart the intake assembly and clean it thoroughly. He was right. Even with regular oil, and filter changes things were really carboned up. Especially the IAC assembly. Anyway, this cured the problem. You might want to do a fuel pressure check to see if it,s within ford specs. Sometimes the fuel filter(not usually) or the fuel pressure regulator is the culprit. I had a regulator go bad on a f-150 and it made my crazy trying to find the problem. good luck.

Brooklyn- yes, I had a spare pulley in the garage and took it in, and they had a bearing the same size- cost me $5.18 to fix the squeal! The pulley that was on there wasn't the factory one- it was plastic, and not even tight. It was missing the steel washer on the bolthead side, and thus couldn't be tightened up. I'm glad I looked around- it could have easily thrown the belt.

I have a new IAC, but I have not yet cleaned the MAF. The only two times it has happened, was this time, when it stalled, and right before I replaced my IAC and DPFE- when it staled because of them. I guess the best way to explain it is that it is very hard to start when it stalls- but it's only happened twice- maybe I just need to prime the system a couple times if it stalls? Weird- it seems like it loses prime or something. Confusing- I'm going to run codes tomorrow and see if there is anything showing up. I would have done that today but I didn't feel well, and then lost my war with the Christmas tree... :)

I have a filter to replace the old one with, I was thinking FPR when I was walking into the parts store afterwards to get a new Gatorback fanbelt- just to bribe Snowball to start- and it worked. :D
