Stereo Wire Identification | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stereo Wire Identification


Active Member
July 6, 2018
Reaction score
City, State
Fife, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Mazda Navajo LX
Undid the absolutely horrid wiring job that came with the stereo in my Navajo. Surprisingly, the guy who did it left the Ford 8-pin stereo harness. Lucky me! I didn't have that luxury last time.

I've identified 5 of the 7 wires.

Listing from left to right:
Blue - Amplifier Remote
Green/Black - Unidentified
Orange/Black - Unidentified
Blue/Red - Illumination
Yellow/Black - 12V Switch Power
Black - Chassis Ground
Green/Yellow - 12V Constant Power

Any help is very much appreciated.

I actually managed to find the 6 wire connector that plugs into the L-shaped one. I would prefer to wire to this, but I'm at a complete loss when it comes to what these wires go to. Here they are listed from left to right:




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When i get home from work i can check for you

Well 94 must be different than 93, as I show 2 connectors, 1 with 8 wires 1 with 6 wires and the colors are not a match.
I do show LB/R wire circuit #19 as “control button illumination input”.
In my diagram 19 goes to premium sound system for the “control button illumination lamp”.
There is O/BLK wire circuit #484 as “LCD display backlighting input”
In my diagram 484 goes to headlight switch.

Sorry I could not be of more help

Alright. I figured it out. Turned out to be very simple once I realized that I basically have one of the two connectors in the Metra 70-5511 kit. Got it all wired up. Red to red, black to black, etc. If anyone needs clarification, just look up the diagram for the Metra 70-5511 wiring kit.

I'm actually thinking about buying a new Metra kit, just to have the plug for the speakers, because I realized the speaker wires that go to the factory amplifier from the radio still seem to be intact, including the plug/connector on the end (Posted a picture of the plug). If I buy the kit, I can just wire the Pioneer plug to the Metra speaker plug, connect that to the existing speaker plug, then run new wires from the amp to the speakers.

