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Stic-o Class C RV. Say hello to Sunny🌞

Well it's been a long time coming (although probably not the best time with gas prices 😮‍💨)

We finally bought a Motorhome.

2018 Forest River Sunseeker on a E-450 chassis.

*V-10/ 6 -speed
*28' (which really means 30'🙄)
*2 slides Kitchen/living and rear bedroom
*Outdoor Kitchen/ TV
*Rear and side cameras
*Tons of upgrades

Bought from a private owner who runs a RV repair place in the OC, and this was there private unit that they factory ordered.

Her name was Sunny, which we plan to keep.


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Well heck yeah!! Triton v10 for the win

I rented one just like that sucker and drove from Denver to Galveston in it, recommend anyone seeking thrills and potential heart issues attempt to navigate Dallas ft worth area with one of those suckers during rush hour with two screaming kids and a stressed out wife… it will make you a better driver!
I kept saying if I owned one of these the stupid tv set would work while we are driving lol dang rentals

Congrats she’s a beauty!! 2018 still has ttb up front right?

I'm not retired, just tired. I have 20 years to go before I can enjoy an RV fulltime.


Well heck yeah!! Triton v10 for the win

I rented one just like that sucker and drove from Denver to Galveston in it, recommend anyone seeking thrills and potential heart issues attempt to navigate Dallas ft worth area with one of those suckers during rush hour with two screaming kids and a stressed out wife… it will make you a better driver!
I kept saying if I owned one of these the stupid tv set would work while we are driving lol dang rentals

Congrats she’s a beauty!! 2018 still has ttb up front right?

Yeap, TTB under the front. She still has her original shocks. Good thing I know a place.😁

Let the Mods begin.

Step 1: Training Wheels

Before I can tow, I need to weld a plate to the bottom of the receiver. It's been dragged for so long the bottom lip is worn completely off. 😳

Step 2: I drive to very dark places.


Searching the internet, I couldn't find anyone that had done this, which baffles me. It's just a natural place for it. Still have to actually install it. Just mockup for now.

I see that all the time and I wonder with push bars winches and light bars how much airflow are we stopping from getting to the rad, I mean ford put those
Holes there for a reason!

That is the perfect
Light bar for that spot

Did you mount up the rock skid wheels on the back bumper? Where do you buy those

I see that all the time and I wonder with push bars winches and light bars how much airflow are we stopping from getting to the rad, I mean ford put those
Holes there for a reason!

That is the perfect
Light bar for that spot

Did you mount up the rock skid wheels on the back bumper? Where do you buy those

There mounted to the receiver hitch, which is the lowest point. I got them off Amazon.

Ultra-Fab 48-979017 Ultra Hitch Mount Steel Rollers For 2.5" Hitch Bars Amazon product ASIN B001UGFOXG

Where to mount a switch for the lights....🤔

Time to fab....😁


Besides... don't need the worthless pocket and coin tray above the radio 🤷. Let's add a trans temp gauge too.😉


Still have to add some paint, attach, wire it up. 😎

Put some USB ports in those 12v sockets
I like the ones w the voltage gauge built in too

also i added an SAE connector when i did my install like that, along w the usb, its really helpful for coolers and stuff! also you can add so many adapter for all different things, so more versitile than cigar lighter imo

I made panel under the dash. It's wired into the house batteries, has 2 USB ports and 2 round plugs. I also installed them on each side of the bed and under the dinette.

If it's not already done, swap out all the bulbs for LED's. I did that for everything but the florescent ceiling lights, because replacement bulbs are stupid expensive. I can turn on every LED light in the coach (about 15 bulbs) and it draws less than one fixture with incandescent bulbs.

We are off grid here
I actually installed a 12v system into our house and cabin to help
Alleviate the power usage on the main battery bank i install thise USB ports in the kitchen islands and near beds wherever I can

So many things usb powered these days even DVD players lamps etc

Not just for campers!!

12 volt ports I added to my RV



The port locations on the night stands was dictated by OEM installed phone line outlets. I would have put then horizontal but needed to cover the holes.

410, that's a great idea for home use.

Since it's a newer motor home, it actually has LED's and USB's In the entire motorhome from the factory.

The original owner also swapped the house batteries over to 6V.

Can't believe I hadn't thought of mounting power ports on either side of the bed! :banghead: Add that to my to-do list. My wife is always asking if she can plug her phone in near the bed. Our tiny little travel trailer has one power port. I have a plug that stretches that to two but a few on each side of the bed sure would make boondocking easier.

Will it tow the Explorer on the trailer or does it have to be flat towed?

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It will tow the Explorer on a trailer. That's the plan and why I got a E450. Going to set up the Ranger to flat tow. We have joked about trailering the Mach E and charging it in a campground....lol.

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