Stop start only stopping! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stop start only stopping!

Captain Slow

October 11, 2021
Reaction score
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Limited 4WD
Hello, I know there are few threads on Auto stop start, so not sure where to post.
My vehicle Explorer Limited 2020 only stops on Auto start stop? And will not restart…The dash then says place the vehicle in Park and restart what a pain!
Has anyone else experienced this?

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I have not experienced the problem but can suggest that when you start the car just shut off auto start stop with the button next to your e brake until you can bring it in to the dealer to be fixed under warranty

I have not experienced the problem but can suggest that when you start the car just shut off auto start stop with the button next to your e brake until you can bring it in to the dealer to be fixed under warranty
Warranty at prove fruitless as I imported the car to the UK from the US however I will speak to the dealer.

Using the 'Search' feature I did find another member with the same issue but no resolution was posted. I asked for an update but he was last seen here in September so I don't know if he is still active here. FWIW, I don't think my feature has activated since Spring.


You can try a couple different things that may or may not work.

Try unhooking your battery for 15 or so minutes. Then try changing your battery in your key and put it in the spot in the center console and see if it keeps happening.

You can also try changing out your vehicle battery.

