Swapping am/fm/cassette for am/fm/cd? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Swapping am/fm/cassette for am/fm/cd?


New Member
April 26, 2005
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98 XLT 4X4
Got a 98 XLT with stock am/fm cass. Also have a factory am/fm/cd unit which I want to swap it with. Both same size. When I pulled the cassette unit out, the plugs were different than the plugs on the cd unit. Supposedly, the cd unit is the same year, 1998. Any adaptors available to plug the cd unit into the 98 Explorer?



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I believe that if you don't have the Premier audio system you can't upgrade to the Premier system. Or vice-versa. More than likely your stock system is Base, and the CD player is Premier. That particaluar CD Player is not actually a head unit, but just a control module for a head unit built into the built in amplifier in the Premier system. In all likelyhood it'd be easier to install an aftermaket one than install the other CD Player and the amp and connect all that stuff. You could sell the CD Player on eBay and more than likely get enough to cover the costs of a new CD player.

TTG said:
I believe that if you don't have the Premier audio system you can't upgrade to the Premier system. Or vice-versa. More than likely your stock system is Base, and the CD player is Premier. That particaluar CD Player is not actually a head unit, but just a control module for a head unit built into the built in amplifier in the Premier system. In all likelyhood it'd be easier to install an aftermaket one than install the other CD Player and the amp and connect all that stuff. You could sell the CD Player on eBay and more than likely get enough to cover the costs of a new CD player.

It depends on when the vehicle was built. Sometime in 98 the unit went to a full double din size, front to back. When this change was made, the amplifier was integrated into the head unit and removed from the rear of the vehicle. The only external amp in the system was for the subwoofer. The Premier/Premium was that it was dula media, cassette and CD. It is a T100i model. There are three plugs, speaker out/power in etc, a line out for the sub (whether it was utilized or not, and the third is for steering wheel/rear seat controls.

TTG is correct, if you have a base system, it is not a plug and play swap.

Hey TTG, where abouts Ft. Myers are you? I used to live at Gulfstream Isle, over off Boy Scout behind the Winn Dixie that closed after its short run...I miss that area and cannot wait to be back there in the sun and fun!

Both units look the same, with the exception of cassette vs. cd slot, and rear plugs.

Well now I'm confused too. I know there is a CD Player that is just a control module and not a full head unit. In any case, what is differnt about the plugs and how many are there?

My School is actually a little south of Fort Myers, in a city called Estero. It's 5 minutes or so north of Bonita Springs where the arena is. It's kinda by the outlet mall and the new mall they're building. Stuck in between all those developments. Moving next year to be off of Three Oaks in an apartment complex out there. And yeah, it's a nice area, but I'm thinking of transferring up to UF after this coming year.

The uninstalled cd unit has two plugs. One two row and one three row. The cassette unit has two as well, but one long single row and another smaller single row (I believe).

The body of the two stereos looks exactly the same.


98XLT4X4 said:
Both units look the same, with the exception of cassette vs. cd slot, and rear plugs.

The T100i has both a CD and Cassette slot on the front of the unit, hence the name Dual Media, it is also equipped with controls for the CDDJ CD changer mounted in the armrest. There should be three plugs on the back side of the head unit.

TTG said:
Well now I'm confused too. I know there is a CD Player that is just a control module and not a full head unit. In any case, what is differnt about the plugs and how many are there?

My School is actually a little south of Fort Myers, in a city called Estero. It's 5 minutes or so north of Bonita Springs where the arena is. It's kinda by the outlet mall and the new mall they're building. Stuck in between all those developments. Moving next year to be off of Three Oaks in an apartment complex out there. And yeah, it's a nice area, but I'm thinking of transferring up to UF after this coming year.

I am familiar with Estero and the area, my father has a place in the complex across Estero Blvd from the High School, Shadow Wood or something like that. I used to work at The Dan's Fan City just down 41 in Bonita, back in 1998, and then Sony out in Gateway, just past SWF International on Daniels Parkway (?) after that for a year or so. Moved back here to Michigan due to my father in law being diag'd with cancer, the wife wanted to have sometime with him before he left this wonderful world. We are looking forward to moving back in a couple of years.

If you need any other info on the head unit, give me a pm and I'll see if I can get some diagrams together for you, just let me know what all you need. I am fairly confident I have any that you are looking for.
