SYNC 3 IS GARBAGE!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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February 20, 2024
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2020 Explorer XLT
I find it distressing, and downright depressing, i spent all this money on a very nice vehicle, only to have it equipped with a blue-ish, ugly, clunky disgusting infotainment display.
When surfing the net, looking for articles about the change from sync w/myfordtouch(sync 2) to sync 3, i about threw up, when i saw professional reviews talk about sync 3 and how its some great tech leap, and how its more user friendly.
WTF are they talking about??
I cannot tell you how bad i miss the sync 2 that was in my '14 f150. I LOVED the layout..and i could customize the background.

Sync can select from 4 shades of blue. OH OH and dont or night mode. ohhh....ahhhhh!!
dont forget the annoying as hell apple play crp that pops up every time you plug your phone in( although i did find where you can turn that off)
Its just more work.

Im just so mad at myself, that now i have to look at a pile of sht screen whenever im driving around.
I should have found out if it was customizable before i bought the car.

Ive heard of some jail breaking..if i want to change the background...if i want to void my warranty...
But even then...its still clunky big buttons...with a different background.

Is there no way to get the sync 2 back??

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Trade it in on an older vehicle. Good luck.

I have to agree that the lack of any substantial updates to Sync 3 is a real disappointment. I really thought that with it being a "connected car" Ford would have pushed some improvements over the years. Unfortunately that hasn't been the case.

I have to agree that the lack of any substantial updates to Sync 3 is a real disappointment. I really thought that with it being a "connected car" Ford would have pushed some improvements over the years. Unfortunately that hasn't been the case.
I think it was the opposite.
Sync w MyFordTouch/Sync2 had color...had organization and customization.
With sync 3, it was like going back to the stone age. Big clunky buttons, and very monochromatic, with no customization at all.

I think it was the opposite.
Sync w MyFordTouch/Sync2 had color...had organization and customization.
With sync 3, it was like going back to the stone age. Big clunky buttons, and very monochromatic, with no customization at all.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
I for one, haven't had any issues with Sync 3. It works very well but then again I don't use carplay or any external programs. One of the major complaints regarding the early 5th gen Explorers was the lack of physical buttons. That was resolved with the 2016 refresh.


Having used all 3: MFT in my mom's 2011 F150
Sync2 in our prior 2013 Flex SEL
Sync3 in my 2016 F150 XLT, 2018 Expedition Max Limited, 2020 Explorer Limited

I much prefer Sync3 to the prior 2 generations.
Sync 2 wasn't bad, but I find 3 to be superior. The lack of 'customization' [some can be done via Forscan (I had use in motion unlocked & swapped to the Ford GT GUI)] isn't an issue to me.

Having used all 3: MFT in my mom's 2011 F150
Sync2 in our prior 2013 Flex SEL
Sync3 in my 2016 F150 XLT, 2018 Expedition Max Limited, 2020 Explorer Limited

I much prefer Sync3 to the prior 2 generations.
Sync 2 wasn't bad, but I find 3 to be superior. The lack of 'customization' [some can be done via Forscan (I had use in motion unlocked & swapped to the Ford GT GUI)] isn't an issue to me.
I guess im just not impressed with big, blocky buttons, and two colors...white and blue. To each there own i suppose.
