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The “No Door”

Figured I should start a thread since this truck is starting to snowball. I bought this rolled Explorer for $400 a few months ago. This poor family owned & maintained this truck for over 20 years, before it was rolled in the hands of an 18 year old. The owner was dumbfounded when I cut out the windshield at his house & drove it home (at night) with a full face helmet!

93 XLT Auto 4x4
170,x.. on chassis
Receipt from a Ford Dealership showing 60K on the new motor
Receipt for a rebuilt trans showing 18K
New - MAF, brake booster/master, cats & muffler

The plan was to just keep it in the yard since my DD is showing it’s age at 225k. This truck runs better than any 1st gen I’ve owned (15 or so). I literally had zero plans for it, until I found an old pair of lift springs under a pile of leaves, and so it begun!

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I’m about to do a HUGE update to The No Door. I just stuck a windshield in it & made it “street legal”, but it’s about to get the saw zaw treatment down to basically a floor pan with a dash. I could give you guys 1000 guesses about what I’m going to do, and when it happens, you will be blown away. This beast is about to turn into one of the most epic Explorers ever built!!

Still no saw zaw treatment on The No Door. I actualluy found a nice Limited cab so I may go that route, we shall see. I recently added 5x5.5 wheel adapters, 17's from a Ram, and some metric 35's. It also now has a welded front diff, Bilsteins on all 4 corners, and lift shackles. This thing still runs fantastic and could easily travel cross country, lol.





The No Door continues to evolve in horribly epic fashion!

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The No Door has finally given up it's goods. I am going to keep the chassis to use as a jig.

Some day it will get a V8 and this body
