Thunk at start and rumbling noise at highway speed | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Thunk at start and rumbling noise at highway speed


New Member
April 30, 2011
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'06 EB '05 XLT
Hi there,

This forum has helped me tremendously in the past when I had problems with my '05 XLT. Unfortunately, it got totaled in an accident where some a-hole ran a red light. So, to replace my beloved XLT I recently bought a 62k miles '06 EB 2WD with the 4.0L engine.

I want to start off by contributing a bit, I inherited a P0457 code from the previous owner, initially I just thought it was the gas cap as the one on there wasn't OEM so I replaced it with the OEM part from dealer but 3 drive cycles later the check fuel cap light came back on. A smoke test showed the canister vent valve was stuck open thus throwing the code, so a $95 part later problem fixed, not too bad.

Now, I still have two issues that's annoying me a lot.
First, when I go from a complete stop, there's this thunk noise at around 5mph, it goes away immediately as I give it more gas and it doesn't make the noise when I slow down from say 20mph to ~5mph or so.
Second issue is there's a rumbling noise when I'm going over 60mph on the highway and I feel this vibration in the gas pedal, it's not too bad yet but I want to fix the problem early.

Any ideas where I should start looking?
Thanks a lot!

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Check your wheel bearings. I had my first one done at 60K and it was the left rear. I didn't notice it at the time but I had my truck in for some other things and they found it to be bad.

Thank you, I know very little about parts in a car but I'll start my reading on that.

What I really don't understand is why I'm getting vibrations from the gas pedal but not the steering wheel.

Does anyone have any idea what would cause that thunking noise when the car starts moving from a stop? It is annoying the hell outta me as I now expect it as I accelerate.

The thunk noise sounds like a U joint to me.
