Tire circumference difference | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tire circumference difference


Elite Explorer
January 11, 2018
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013, Explorer, XLT
I didn't rotate tires and now i have 5mm difference. I have ko2 all terrain tires so there's plenty of thread left but front are 5mm less than rear.
How bad it is? when should i get new tires?

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I didn't rotate tires and now i have 5mm difference. I have ko2 all terrain tires so there's plenty of thread left but front are 5mm less than rear.
How bad it is? when should i get new tires?

If the tires are otherwise in good shape, if it were me, I’d just swap the fronts to the rears and drive away.....

I didn't rotate tires and now i have 5mm difference. I have ko2 all terrain tires so there's plenty of thread left but front are 5mm less than rear.
What is tread depth of the tires? 5mm is about 6/32". If your rears are 8/32" and your fronts are 5mm less, you may need new front tires. If your rears are 15/32" and your fronts are 5mm less, then you may be able to just swap fronts and rears and keep on truckin'.

How bad it is?
No idea. How old are the tires? How is the wear pattern on the tires?

when should i get new tires?
I usually replace tires when they are around 3-4/32 tread remaining. If there are still several months of nice/summer weather, I may let them run until the end of summer and replace in the fall. Ultimately, it is up to you when you want to replace tires. If they have unusual/abnormal wear, they may need to replaced sooner and you may need an alignment. I've heard the best investment is a $160 lifetime alignment from firestone car care centers.

didn't mention which tires

front are less, its visibly less, you can see it

rear look like new, difference between front and rear at 5mm

i can feel weird handling especially at higher speed. kind of soft

If it's AWD or automatic 4WD then it really needs matching tires, 5mm would cause harm soon.
