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Tires for a DD + mild trail

the truck came with Michelin LTX M/S and they did last for a few months then i had to rotate them cause they were wearing off pretty fast.. i've been hearing the tires screech a bit going around corners ever since i got the truck but that’s expected.. so now I’m shopping around for some new tires since i know what i have on now wouldn’t pass inspection come march..


1. Deck Cepek FC-II ( really like this one aesthetically + good user reviews )
2. Cooper Tires
3. Bridgestone Dueler A/T REVO

I’m not including the BFG's A/T KO's since it gave me quite a scare at its wet pavement performance.. but of course its only my experience and opinion.. no offense to the BFG loyalists :D..

Your thoughts/suggestions please? Thanks!!

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I have had people swear by the DC's....never ran any of those myself but ya...

First things first! If your tires are screeching around corners and the tires are wareing fast it's pretty much a clue you need a alignment. Get one, and fast! Other wise you'll just eat up new tires:rolleyes:

Now I know you said you were not to hot on the BFG's, but if it's your DD and you do some mild trail stuff, it's the way to go. :thumbsup:You just need to slow down on those wet days, it's not a sports car. A mud type tire will be far worse in the rain. BFG A/T's have a great tread life (about 50-60k+ on a explorer) and are proven on the trail.

The DC would be #2 choice though;)

I loved the Revo's i had, thread life was awsome. Not quite as agressive as the BFG AT, but a great tire for what you are describing.

i have bfg land terrain lt's, almost exactly the same as the at's, and they are great tires.
they wear good and are good offroad, and the price is good.
and yes be cautious on wet pavement, i did a 180 in the middle of the road while taking a left at about 5 mph one day while it was raining!

First things first! If your tires are screeching around corners and the tires are wareing fast it's pretty much a clue you need a alignment. Get one, and fast! Other wise you'll just eat up new tires:rolleyes:

Now I know you said you were not to hot on the BFG's, but if it's your DD and you do some mild trail stuff, it's the way to go. :thumbsup:You just need to slow down on those wet days, it's not a sports car. A mud type tire will be far worse in the rain. BFG A/T's have a great tread life (about 50-60k+ on a explorer) and are proven on the trail.

The DC would be #2 choice though;)

I already had an alignment way back then plus new lower balljoints and upper control arms before that of course :bsnicker::monkey:.. that was way up on my to do list because of its importance.. i've gone through a lot of cars already, most of them SUV's without ABS so i've had a lot of practice on controlled braking on various weather conditions.. i dont drive fast and everybody knows that you dont drive any car in any condition whatsoever like you're racing it or something.. basically, fast crazy driving on streets=accidents :rolleyes: ..

Do you guys think that the BFG's ride would be so different from the FC-II's?

Go with the Dueler Revos!!!!

I just got mine a little over a month ago and I'm thoroughly impressed. Very little road noise, awesome grip in snow, rain, ice. No mud experience yet. I thought my old tire were good, they are nothing compared to the Revos. I highly recommend them. :thumbsup:

Go with the Dueler Revos!!!!

I just got mine a little over a month ago and I'm thoroughly impressed. Very little road noise, awesome grip in snow, rain, ice. No mud experience yet. I thought my old tire were good, they are nothing compared to the Revos. I highly recommend them. :thumbsup:

did you get 31's? and hey, if you have pics of 'em on your X...


Forget the Dueler Revo

I have a 2006 Ex and i put Goodyear Wrangler Silent Armors;) on it and they are totaly awsome. I drove through three foot deep snow in 4x4 high, never even had to engage the 4x4 low. these tires are super quiet on the highway and they are rated as a way better tire than the revo on

You should go to Tire Rack;) and read the reviews that customer's post for their tires

The Wrangler Silent Armor's sound good from reviews, but to judge Tire Rack reviews you have to look at the mileage, number of reviews and actual usage, not just percentages. 2 million miles isn't much. Hell, I've put 1/10th that on just my own tires in the last few years.

I have had Revos for about 60,000 miles now (second set) and I can't say enough about wet traction. These things are insanely good in the rain, very good in light snow, moderately good in heavy snow and good enough off road to keep up in anything short of deep mud. Deulers are not good in mud in my experience.

FWIW, my opinion is not from Tire rack reviews or driving to town in the snow a few times. It's from running serious trails you won't see a fraction of tire rack reviewers running in their lifetime, let alone virtually every other weekend...

near-oops.jpg>>>yeah, that's why i'm trying to gather info from user experiences rather than basing it on calculated percentage derived from multiple variables.. imho, if it performs well on the trails, then there is a high possibility that it'll perform as well on the streets..

damn, something came up and i had to lower my budget... i might go with BFG's afterall.. that is if i dont find a good deal on FC-II's :D
is $643 shipped an OK price for DC FC-II's?

I'm still open for all your suggestions!!!:thumbsup:

Goodyear Wranglers

;)First of all just so you guys don't think i made a decision on based on what tire rack said i have taken my Ex into situations that a none 4x4 should never go. I havent had them that long but i have tried them out in snow and fairly deep mud that came up above my center caps. My best argument is a few weeks ago my friends and i went to Mammoth Lakes Cal and he got stuck in less than 8 inches of snow, (he had revos) and like i said before i was able to drive through almos three feet of snow before getting stuck myself. I have had revos on my Ex before and let me tell you its a completely different animal when it comes to the GY WR SL

;)Don't get me wrong i am totaly not bashing the Revo i just fell like there are better tires out there, i mean when i had them they lasted over 50,000 so they are a great tire i just think you can do better

did you get 31's? and hey, if you have pics of 'em on your X...


I kept the stock 235-75, because I don't know how much longer I'm gonna keep the expo and i figured it would be easier to sell with stock size tires. Plus I didn't want my gas mileage to be any worse than it is now.

As for pics, i don't have any yet, But I can go get some tomorrow when its light out if you really want them. :thumbsup:

I've very pleased with my BFG All-Terrains. I think their wet road performance is great. Although these are the first off-roadish tires I've ever had so I have nothing else to compare them to.

Here are pics of the Revos on my 92...



I'm a big Cooper tire fan. I've had them on the Cad. for 50K+ miles and now got the new Touring H rated for the Cad.
I also have the michlin ltx on the mounty and am going to replace them w/Cooper Discoverer t/s rated (60,000mi.) tires.
I've liked the michilins but the price is too much more than the Coopers to replace them.
Note: I dont do much/any off road driving. Just woodland trails & snow.

i have the revos... i cant say enough about them and havent had any bad experience in the rain... they are an awesome all around tire for the money. personally i like it better with out the white letters on the outside so when i put mine on i left the letters on the inside and the all black part on the outside.. if you get them you will know what i mean when you look at the tire..

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Here is a pic of my REVO's (equivalent to a 31') after 52,000 miles. They wear like iron and still have great handling capability.

