Trans fluid on cats | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Trans fluid on cats


April 27, 2021
Reaction score
United States
City, State
Piedmont, OK
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Ford Explorer XLT
So yesterday I changed my transmission fluid, filter, and stuff. Made a huge difference in how my car is shifting, because I wasn't sure the last time it was changed. and the fluid was... not good. But thankfully there weren't chunks of metal or anything bad like that. But anyways I ended up getting fluid all over the place lol, including my cat and some of the other exhaust piping, when I got back from my test drive I was checking for leaks, no leaks, which is good, but my exhaust pipes and cats had white smoke coming off of them, I'm assuming from the trans fluid that got on them, it this bad? Or can I leave it, or should I clean the fluid off.

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So yesterday I changed my transmission fluid, filter, and stuff. Made a huge difference in how my car is shifting, because I wasn't sure the last time it was changed. and the fluid was... not good. But thankfully there weren't chunks of metal or anything bad like that. But anyways I ended up getting fluid all over the place lol, including my cat and some of the other exhaust piping, when I got back from my test drive I was checking for leaks, no leaks, which is good, but my exhaust pipes and cats had white smoke coming off of them, I'm assuming from the trans fluid that got on them, it this bad? Or can I leave it, or should I clean the fluid off.
Trans fluid is extremely flammable
Clean it when its cold use break clean or something

wasnt sure if i could spray break clean right on there.
Only when its stone cold
And let it dry all the way
The fluid gets trapped in the heat shield

Only when its stone cold
And lit it dry all the way
The fluid gets trapped in the heat shield
yes makes sense, i sprayed it all off, i put the heat shield on very last so there’s no fluid stuck there.

yes makes sense, i sprayed it all off, i put the heat shield on very last so there’s no fluid stuck there.
What fluid did you uses?

Yes....surprisingly it is flammable....some people were pulled over with older suv / hood up near my house and I came over to take a look -- tranny fluid was leaking out somewhere pretty thing you know....poof....ignition.... I darted home and grabbed my fire extinguisher and played hero that day.

mercon v atf
I asked that question, because you can not uses it in the transfer case. I read there are sometime the gasket or seal between the transfer case and transmission fails. What will happen to the transfer case, if that happens? I been putting off my transmission service because of this issue. Thanks for your response.

I asked that question, because you can not uses it in the transfer case. I read there are sometime the gasket or seal between the transfer case and transmission fails. What will happen to the transfer case, if that happens? I been putting off my transmission service because of this issue. Thanks for your response.

The rear trans seal won't fail so badly that it dumps fluid into the rear housing, which might have a venting drain in it anyway(at the gasket seals).

The transfer case fluid should be changed more often than the trans, maybe every couple of years , one year for the AWD TC. Bu8y some Valvoline TC fluid, most part stores carry that, and it's far cheaper than the OEM specialty stuff.

I have the Dorman pan with the drain plug. Makes changing the tranny fluid much easier. I also place aluminum foil around the cat which keeps fluid from running onto them and making a mess. Been using Mobil 1 synthetic since the day I brought it home from the factory and have had no issues.

My first thought was poor kitty.....

Whenever spraying trans fluid off of cats make sure to wear thick long gloves while handling the cats...otherwise you're looking at serious claw marks! 🐯🐯💦💦🥸🤑😂

So yesterday I changed my transmission fluid, filter, and stuff. Made a huge difference in how my car is shifting, because I wasn't sure the last time it was changed. and the fluid was... not good. But thankfully there weren't chunks of metal or anything bad like that. But anyways I ended up getting fluid all over the place lol, including my cat and some of the other exhaust piping, when I got back from my test drive I was checking for leaks, no leaks, which is good, but my exhaust pipes and cats had white smoke coming off of them, I'm assuming from the trans fluid that got on them, it this bad? Or can I leave it, or should I clean the fluid off.
You can spray it off with carb cleaner or just let it (burn) off but it will not hurt anything. It will just smoke a bit for 20 minutes or so.

Sounds legit
until it catches on fire
Brake clean $2.50

So yesterday I changed my transmission fluid, filter, and stuff. Made a huge difference in how my car is shifting, because I wasn't sure the last time it was changed. and the fluid was... not good. But thankfully there weren't chunks of metal or anything bad like that. But anyways I ended up getting fluid all over the place lol, including my cat and some of the other exhaust piping, when I got back from my test drive I was checking for leaks, no leaks, which is good, but my exhaust pipes and cats had white smoke coming off of them, I'm assuming from the trans fluid that got on them, it this bad? Or can I leave it, or should I clean the fluid off.
It’ll burn off eventually.
Take it on the highway and get it really hot.
At first I was going to be a smart ass and say I’m just glad it wasn’t a dog!

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