Truckhaven 20th Anniversary Run MLK Weekend Jan. 15-17 | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truckhaven 20th Anniversary Run MLK Weekend Jan. 15-17

I took the bumps apart and did a review on my build thread. After I slowly packed up, it was "too late" to come home, according to the wife. She said I should stay another night and leave in the morning. Who am I to argue??

It is very quiet here, not one group remains. I drove about 1/4 mile further up the Mesa and there are several nice spots for our sized group. It's interesting driving the RV up onto this Mesa as the road is steep and narrow, but worth it if we don't have to listed to "Like a Virgin" at 0230. It is also directly above the arches area so a fun, twisty night run would be a few hundred yards from camp.

If you camped here during TDS, you could take lawn chairs to the other side of the Mesa and watch the festivities in the ditches.

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I took the bumps apart and did a review on my build thread. After I slowly packed up, it was "too late" to come home, according to the wife. She said I should stay another night and leave in the morning. Who am I to argue??

It is very quiet here, not one group remains. I drove about 1/4 mile further up the Mesa and there are several nice spots for our sized group. It's interesting driving the RV up onto this Mesa as the road is steep and narrow, but worth it if we don't have to listed to "Like a Virgin" at 0230. It is also directly above the arches area so a fun, twisty night run would be a few hundred yards from camp.

If you camped here during TDS, you could take lawn chairs to the other side of the Mesa and watch the festivities in the ditches.

Use your flip phone and grab the GPS coordinates for the good camping spot..


I took the bumps apart and did a review on my build thread. After I slowly packed up, it was "too late" to come home, according to the wife. She said I should stay another night and leave in the morning. Who am I to argue??

Maybe do the exact same thing tomorrow.

Very nice pictures and videos guys. I was trying to get the ex back together asap. I found more things wrong than I thought there would be with the front suspension lol of course. Again very nice pics guys and I wish we could have come out to meet you guys and gals if there were any. Pic of my ex at the moment, also reason we could not make it.


Colin, love this pic.


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Maybe do the exact same thing tomorrow.

Gotta go home sometime. Always thought about spending a few months out here. Dump gray and black water and refill clean water every 6-7 days at the AM/PM, run into town for food every two weeks. It could work.

Man, did I ever come home exhausted. Never got more than 4hrs of uninterrupted sleep over 4 nights and it caught up with me last night. I don't even know how early it was when I fell asleep watching TV on the couch, but I woke up wide awake and feeling great at 5:30 this morning :D

My still photos:


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Well, I'm having issues with resizing photos from my new Mac. Some of the photos I tried to post came up as invalid file... Back to the drawing board:banghead:

Giving it another shot

Last shot. I still need to go through the videos.


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I should have just drove the Chevy out there. The dogs would have had something to chew and pee on! ;)

Good to see Rick and The pumpkin at the event.


[MENTION=62]Maniak[/MENTION] did you see how much your body pulls away from the frame when it's twisting? I need to put a camera on my rear bumper to see how much it moves. That looks pretty wild.

man, I can't wait to do this again with you all... Only this time in an Explorer :smoke:

use your flip phone and grab the gps coordinates for the good camping spot..




S86 turn off:
33.307067N. / 115.985707W

New Mesa
33.302293N. / 116.004557W

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