two things.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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two things..



first off i'm getting a sqeaking noise coming from a wheel (i havent figured out which yet cause i've always heard it while inside the truck) i think it's rear side though. it only happens when moving and seems more apparent when driving slow and or turning or hitting small bumps at low speeds. it JUST started happening and it's really annoying. i haven't had much time to analyze it more and see when it's most apparent.

secondly there are times when im at a stop and i hit the gas pretty hard it feels like it's going to cut out then kicks in again. almost seems like fuel injectors may be clogged or something? it only seems to happen while im at a stop or going very slowly and i hit the gas somewhat hard. if im driving normally and hit the gas it always is responsive. this has worried me when i try to get into traffic quickly and it feels like my truck is about to cut out.. then picks back up. any ideas?

any info would be great.


#1- Get the brakes checked ASAP.

#2- Sounds like a possible Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) problem. Your best bet is to take the X to someone that has a scan tool that can do a live data test on it in order to rule out any bad sensors.

thanks for the reply.. from my searches it seems that the brakes may be the issue.. especially considering when i hit the brakes it seems to go away on occasion. i was reading something about a pin that gets loose that may be causing it? if that's so - is that an easy fix?
