Unusual fuel filter/line? Mr. Lube in Canada won't touch it. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Unusual fuel filter/line? Mr. Lube in Canada won't touch it.


New Member
January 21, 2024
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Vancouver BC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Sport SOHC V6
Still working out some stalling / MAF / lean fuel codes / rough idle issue, buddy recommended replacing the fuel filter so brought it to Mr. Lube, they said it's modified? not stock/permanent and don't wanna touch it for risk of leak.

What do you guys say about this? (photo attached, they let me down their working bay to show me/take photo)


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Looks like the standard locking fittings to me. Usually a hack will cut the lines and clamp them with rubber.

Still working out some stalling / MAF / lean fuel codes / rough idle issue, buddy recommended replacing the fuel filter so brought it to Mr. Lube, they said it's modified? not stock/permanent and don't wanna touch it for risk of leak.

What do you guys say about this? (photo attached, they let me down their working bay to show me/take photo)

View attachment 449628
That is the OEM factory setup. On each side of the filter are line clips( factory setup). I buy them from the dealer $5 each.
What I don't see are the plastic clip and line attached too the metal line clips , so you do not loose them. Do not remove them( put them back on after filter replacement.
That Filter looks new and clips looks new. My filter is badly corroded and the clip rust out and fall off. I believe ford tells you too replace your filter every 30,000 miles. Look the your owners manual in the car.


There are no plastic clips on this style

You need the spring lock quick disconnect tool

Find a new lube shop
That is the same style filter on fords since the 80s

There are no plastic clips on this style

You need the spring lock quick disconnect tool

Find a new lube shop
That is the same style filter on fords since the 80s
yep, OEM fuel filter setup for ford forever. And I've hated it forever.

After changing the filter multiple times over the years the last time I tried to change it (with the proper spring lock tool) one of the quick disconnects finally broke. Had a local shop do a hack job on it because they, and I, were both afraid that if they tried to drop the tank to replace it correctly that with over a 1/4 century of rust to the tank supports/bolt/studs/straps that could break taking the tank down that the tank was not going back up.

For the original poster, if you oil change had never seen one of those before then they don't have a clue. Even the high school kids working at any local auto part stores knows the tool you need for those. Never go back to that lube place again.

You can buy the new metal springs to go inside the fittings at most parts store (if yours get chewed up)

Best way to remove these is first spray them clean inside with brake cleaner a good amount then follow with compressed air and finally some pb blaster
Press the lines firmly onto the filter
Then finally insert the release tool
Then they will pull apart no issue

Any dirt or debris inside can make them near impossible to remove

I have done many many many of these school of hard knocks

That filter does not look ~25 years old, I'd leave it alone for now.

Aside from the direction the topic goes, you should measure for fuel pressure at the valve on the fuel rail. If it is not low (is above 55PSI even though over 60PSI is normal), explore other factors like a potential vac leak.

You can buy the new metal springs to go inside the fittings at most parts store (if yours get chewed up)

Best way to remove these is first spray them clean inside with brake cleaner a good amount then follow with compressed air and finally some pb blaster
Press the lines firmly onto the filter
Then finally insert the release tool
Then they will pull apart no issue

Any dirt or debris inside can make them near impossible to remove

I have done many many many of these school of hard knocks
Please provide part store and part number for the line clip.
I prefer too buy at a part store than a dealer. My parts store does not carry them, those they say.

Yes those are just for safety
I was speaking of the internal clip, the one that matters!

The external safety clips I have those I get them on parts trucks or at wrecking yards
Many fords of the time use those

@410Fortune ’s advice is spot on. Compressed air, and flood the inside of the quick disconnects with a good penetrating oil. Let it sit for a while before you have anyone try to disconnect, or they’ll just get frustrated and insist the lines be cut

Napa garage in town scheduled the job for Thursday expecting my 2000 explorer. Update you guys after to see if there's other hijinks~

Napa garage in town scheduled the job for Thursday expecting my 2000 explorer. Update you guys after to see if there's other hijinks~
Yep, they did it without issues, and saved me the old one at my request. Seems to help the idling a bit... quest continues...
