VairKing gets a new X, a 5.0! About time! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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VairKing gets a new X, a 5.0! About time!

I wasnt sure where to put this, if its in the wrong spot, please move it...

Well Friday I took delivery of my new daily driver, a '97 Eddie Bauer V8 AWD. Its black/gold exterior with tan interior. I belive it has every option availible except memory seats. (which I think was a Limited-only option) It seems to be in awesome shape so far...Heres what it has:

5.0 V8
Air Ride Suspension
All tan leather
Driver and passenger power seats
Factory Moonroof
6 disk changer, and premium sound (big deal....)
On board computer
Overhead console with themometer and compass
and probably some other things I am forgeting... Well I got her all cleaned up this afternoon, so here are some pics!




And here is my two babies together: :D

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VERY nice

so how long till its lifted and on some bigger tires ??:D j/k


Congrats Ryan!! I know you have been excited about this!! Definately a nice decision on vehicles!!!


Well it probably wont see much lift for a while, but the 91 is another story :D

Im probably going to do a KKM intake and true dual flowmaster exhaust and headers pretty soon, as it has a couple exhaust leaks...The fun begins!

good pick man....i like the rims

SWEET RIDE, you gotta keep the 91 as a dune machine. Engine looks real clean too

Very nice. Hey, I recognize that engine.;)

Good looking X Ryan.

I dont know what kind of rims those are, they came with the truck, they say "Ultra" on the center cap...They didnt look that way when I got the truck, about an hour a wheel went into them today to get them looking like they do...

Oh, and Im loving the power of the V8, it could run circles around the OHV...



ill re do it and lift it by using robbs chassis when i get soem more time

and htis wasnt hte best PS i did it in like 3 mins


wait until u get the intake and exhaust done.. my intake alone makes u feel a difference.

Thanks for the photoshop job XplorerKid, but im not sure if im down with the lowered look on that...

nice looking truck, its not a rust bucket like the 91. :D

ok here it is lifted
yea its crummy but i did it just a min it ago and pretty fast

so maybe ill make it better lata


Caleb, I like the lifted pick much better than the lowered one...Im not sure what im going to do with it yet, will probably keep her stock for a little while...I took about 1/2" of slack out of the throttle cable this afternoon, what a difference that made!

Originally posted by VairKing
Caleb, I like the lifted pick much better than the lowered one...Im not sure what im going to do with it yet, will probably keep her stock for a little while...I took about 1/2" of slack out of the throttle cable this afternoon, what a difference that made!

yea the lifted better also

i dont like the lowered one i jsut did it first becuz its easier than lifting


Originally posted by XplorerKid
ok here it is lifted
yea its crummy but i did it just a min it ago and pretty fast

so maybe ill make it better lata


hrm i dont remember the skunk being a 4dr... :p

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