very little air flow from heater/ac | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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very little air flow from heater/ac


June 10, 2008
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Hi everyone,
04 xlt - air flow from heater/ac vents became progressively weak over the last year or so. now I need po put the fan switch to "3" or "4" position to get at least some air flowing (used to get real good airflow in "2"). no problems with air temerature - it's what it is supposed to be, just the amount of air blowing is very low. was thinking because this model has no cabin air filter, maybe the fan got dirty and/or air ducts got filled with leaves/etc?
any suggesstions from people with similar experiences?

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sounds like a vac or door problem not opening

had the same problem...weak air flow. The door above the blower motor that selects either fresh air or cabin air broke off and was sitting on top of the blower motor, blocking any incoming air. I took the motor out held the door over the fresh air intake and screwed shut using sheetrock screws with a log bit on my drill. Now my heat and a/c works great!

yep same problem I had the fresh air door broke off and fell on top of the blower motor and I removed the blower put my hand up through the hole and JB welded into fresh air mode until spring:D

Same problem here. I plan on pulling out the dash so I can get to the box and break it out, hopefully then I will be able to fix it properly.
