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What chip/computer tune do you have?

What chip/computer tune do you have?

  • Apten

    Votes: 5 8.2%
  • Hypnotic Illusions Automotive

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bama Chips

    Votes: 23 37.7%
  • Jet

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 19 31.1%
  • SCT -Henson Performance

    Votes: 10 16.4%

  • Total voters
i have 89 perf 91torque and 91 per but havent tried the last two. At first the mileage was great like 18-19 with the mod in my signature but have declined in the recent months but I think it is due to a driveshaft problem and low air in the tires.

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I just got a xcal 3 for xmas and wanted to know where and how to get a program set up like yours. who do you contact? and do load them?

Hmmm. Purchased an X3 without tunes loaded? I am seeing alot of this lately. Contact me, if interested I can sell you tunefiles needed for your application.-j

I use Sniper tuning software and i love it. No empty loaders to worry about. I write my own tunes on my laptop and have a realtime data logger. So i can watch whats actually going on. And adjust to whatever tire size i want.

I have a 2002 ford explorer 4.0 with a cold air intake and exhaust and i was thinking of getting one of these xcals. Which one should i get xcal2 or 3?Would you guys say its worth the $389? I hear it comes with 2 tunes i would like a mileage one and i dont know what i want my other one to be i would like some more power but which gives more power a torque mode or performance? What have you guys seen with the mileage tune? Is the performance or torque tunes noticeable? Thanks

I have a 2002 ford explorer 4.0 with a cold air intake and exhaust and i was thinking of getting one of these xcals. Which one should i get xcal2 or 3?Would you guys say its worth the $389? I hear it comes with 2 tunes i would like a mileage one and i dont know what i want my other one to be i would like some more power but which gives more power a torque mode or performance? What have you guys seen with the mileage tune? Is the performance or torque tunes noticeable? Thanks

Worth every penny at twice the price.

never noticed this thread before.... I have a SCT Livewire, got it from James at Henson Performance, couldnt be happier.

Those with the mileage tune what did you gain? Those with performance and torque tune whats the difference between the two? Shift points? Could you feel a hp difference?


Those with the mileage tune what did you gain? Those with performance and torque tune whats the difference between the two? Shift points? Could you feel a hp difference?

5.0 1998 - I run a sniper tuner
I have some I've done and also bought one from Willie at dirtydirtyracing.
I like the sniper.

20 mpg on the highway!
14 in the city

Anyone still around who was commenting on this thread? :confused2: I've got a 99 ford ranger xlt. Just had rebuilt the engine with 432 cam. Higher compression pistons ect. Purchased a megasquirt 2 and built the whole thing just for my tech guy (I dont know anything about tuning or ecu stuff) to tell me it wasn' going to work due to my auto trans taking signal directly from the ecu and the mega quirt didn' have a connection for it. Im really just looking for a way to do live data logging and adjust a/f ratio ect. She is going to get a supercharger and possibly a 75-100 wet shot but I need to figure out this tuning thing first :( any help is much appreciated.

I need to revise this as i'm having a hard time deciding what to get.
I also feel there is so new stuff out since the most recent dates on some of the tuner threads.

I am leaning much toward self tuning my mountaineer.

I am liking that quarter horse arrangement with Binary Editor or maybe ProTuner RT.

I'm good with computers and numbers so difficult software doesn't scare me.

Could I also assume a tune similar to a early 90s mustang 5.0 could run on my 5.0 mountaineer. Obviously some parameters will be different but in a general since aren't they pretty compatible?

Thank you all!
