What is this electrical plug under 2nd row seats? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What is this electrical plug under 2nd row seats?


Explorer Addict
July 16, 2010
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95 + 11 Ex both XLT

I found it under the 2nd row seats. It is on both sides. It doesn't connect anywhere but to a plastic holder mounted on the seat frame. It looks like it uses pulse width modulation to communication. I plugged an LED in there to read the pulses and the 3 wires communicate very differently. Anyway, anyone know what this is for?

Possibly for the 2nd row seatbelt airbags (not equipped). Not sure if that was an option on 2011 models or if it was a more recent addition.

The only seat options I can think of that would require wiring are for the airbag seatbelts and for the electric seat release (for access to the rear row.)
The release would likely just be a simple 2-wire, but the airbag/belts would likely require more advanced communication...

those are for inflated seatbealts
