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Wheel/tire help

I am going to put wheels and tires on the wife's 2000 XLT 5.0 2wd Explorer. It is stock at this time. I am considering the Cobra R wheels and FR500 wheels. What size wheels are recomended and what offset? What are the largest street tires that will fit? What do I need to watch out for? I really appreciate any advice available. :)

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watch the backspacing, and dont cheap out and get replica wheels off ebay, they will look good for awhile, but then you will be sorry

The larger the wheel is, the rougher the ride will be,
I chose 17x9 cobrawith 24mm offset- 275-60-17 cooper cobra gt's
There are some thing to consider though
I had to move the rear emergency brake cable, and a tiny bit of material had to be removed from upper ball joints, mainly casting flash.

Tires rub slightly on the swaybar when turning at full lock.

255s might be a better choice for your wife

That is the info I wanted, Thanks. How hard is it to move the brake cable and how did you go about clearancing the ball joint area? 275's I think would look nice. Got any pictures? :thumbsup:

I could post them, however if you click my username, a box opens which allows you to view photo gallery.

For the e-brake cable, move it inboard of the rear lower link arm.
For the upper balljoints, adjust enough material away, with a grinder.

1/16-1/8 inch clearance between tire and balljoint is plenty.

Are you going lower?

I am considering dropping it 1 1/2" similar to the Explorer Express kit, but this is the wife's and I'm still trying to convince her. Is your's lower? Do you reccomend it? Thanks again.

Can you elaborate at all on the Brake Cable? I took a quick look tonight and am not clear on what I would move where and how.

Thanks again.
Sorry for being a pain. :D

Take a look at the rear driver side wheelwell, along the framerail youll see a cable. If the tire is wider it will rub it.
you need to relocate the cablr thru the control arm, by removing the front bolt.Route the cablr inside it and reassemble.

What is confusing me is "control arm". I'm not sure what you are referring to.

I just used 1/4 inch spacers, for the fron and back, but john is smarter at this stuff than I am, plus I just wanted to take the easy way out.

[QUOTE='00XLT5.0]What is confusing me is "control arm". I'm not sure what you are referring to.[/QUOTE]

I might have used the wrong term. Drag link?
The "bar" going from rear axle to frame, right inside and in front of rear tire. The cable runs near and outside it. Get it inboard.

Heck, use a ziptie to hold it.

Well it is done. 17x9 Cobra R's w/ 275/55R17 Hankook Ventus ST RH06 tires. I used a large zip tie on the rear brake cable and no issues up front other than rubbing a full lock turns.

Here are some pics.
1st Pic
2nd pic
3rd pic

Thanks for everyones help.

Now you just need to drop it in the weeds.

I think that looks real good :thumbsup:

Hint---take the crossbars off the roof rack and tell me how you think it looks . If you do need them, it is eas to re-attatch them.

I have a theory it will save gas also.

Well this is momma's ride and I took off the cross bars before and she insisted the be put back IMMEDIATELY!! So back they went. I had considered the Explorer Express drop kit, but wondered if I could get the parts cheaper elsewhere. 1.5" is probably all momma will allow.
Those tires ride SO much better and quieter that those Goodyear Wranglers. It is a new truck.
