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Solved Adding Fordpass Modem

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So, it’s been a few weeks, I finally got the TCU, PIFA, antenna cable, and wiring harness made. This afternoon I took the plunge and pulled back the passenger side cargo area trim panel down and Unfortunately I don’t have a DSP. I looked through the wire bundles and didn’t see any Can + /Can - wires running in the harness. So I am turning back to the drawing board on how I am gonna get the TCU and PIFA antenna mounted and tied into the can bus system.

Does anyone know if there is anything under the rear cargo area trim panel on the drivers side that could be used??
Did you make any progress on this? Im planning on adding connect to my 17 sport.

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Did you make any progress on this? Im planning on adding connect to my 17 sport.
If you have the subwoofer in the passenger side rear cargo area, and you follow the guide posted in this thread you’ll be good to go.

If you don’t have the sub in the rear, I don’t have an update yet. I finally got ahold of the wiring diagrams just need to look over them to see if there is CANBUS access in the same area in the rear of my XLT with the 202A equip package.

I'm thinking of trying to locate the parts needed to install Fordpass in my 16 Sport. I do have Sync 3 installed. Has anyone here added Fordpass to vehicles that don't come with it? I searched and didn't find anything. I've found a guy on the F-150 forums that has done the upgrade.
Many people have. It will work fine in a 16.

If you have the subwoofer in the passenger side rear cargo area, and you follow the guide posted in this thread you’ll be good to go.

If you don’t have the sub in the rear, I don’t have an update yet. I finally got ahold of the wiring diagrams just need to look over them to see if there is CANBUS access in the same area in the rear of my XLT with the 202A equip package.
I see, I have a factory sub so I guess I'm in luck. If you decide against the project let me know and I'll buy your equipment off you.

Hey folks, I'd like to do the same to my 16 sport, can anyone help with the list of parts and such, Thanks, I'm a newbie


Ok. I finally got everything needed for this install. There is a fella that sells a 19 foot harness that t’s into the OBD II connection and supplies the needed Can Bus and power over on the F-150 forums his handle is TXFRDOwner. I was able to successfully install all components in the vehicle, and after realizing I forgot to enable TCU in the APIM and made that change activation was as simple as following the steps in the App.

Hi everyone, im in the same boat, i want to upgrade my 13 explorer limited.

Would some kind soul be able to share the guide for the install and what parts that are needed ? :)

I'm thinking of trying to locate the parts needed to install Fordpass in my 16 Sport. I do have Sync 3 installed. Has anyone here added Fordpass to vehicles that don't come with it? I searched and didn't find anything. I've found a guy on the F-150 forums that has done the upgrade.
Yep just added it to my MY 17

Hi everyone, im in the same boat, i want to upgrade my 13 explorer limited.

Would some kind soul be able to share the guide for the install and what parts that are needed ? :)
I have attached the guides I used. However, I am
not 100% sure this can be done on the MY 13’


  • Ford_Explorer_FordPass_TCU_Install.pdf
    2.9 MB · Views: 202
  • Open APIM & TCU Files and Programming 20220108.pdf
    1.1 MB · Views: 171

Hi everyone, im in the same boat, i want to upgrade my 13 explorer limited.

Would some kind soul be able to share the guide for the install and what parts that are needed ? :)
As mentioned above, I also don't know if this will work on your 2013. The 2016 Explorer was a 'refresh' and incorporated a new architecture.
Good luck. Let us know how you make out.


I have attached the guides I used. However, I am
not 100% sure this can be done on the MY 13’
Thank you so much for sharing it!

I have upgraded to a sync 3 vers :)
So this should be the same process right ?

Thank you so much for sharing it!

I have upgraded to a sync 3 vers :)
So this should be the same process right ?
Yes I have upgraded as well. No issues

Can you send me the information about adding a FordPass modem to my 2016 Ford Explorer Sport? I would appreciate it.
Much thanks
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:


Hi. I am new here. I am wondering if anyone here can help me out. I have a 23 Explorer ST and my hotspot was deleted from my build. I had it in my 20 ST and we are all missing it. Does anyone think it's something that can still be installed? Like can I buy a used Hotspot Telematics Modem from a 20-22 and have it reprogrammed to recognize my vin? Any suggestions are welcomed.

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Could you share how you did it? I have a 2017 and want to install this as well. Do you also have a list of parts I would need?
