Any North Face owners in Bedford? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any North Face owners in Bedford?


Elite Pickler
Elite Explorer
December 18, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 UK XLT, 99 Sport V8,
I'm after a favour from anyone with a North Face edition in or around Bedford.

I'd just like to have a look at your car to see how it differs from mine..



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Rushden or anywhere near would be good, I just wanna have a quick look, so if you've got 5 mins spare I'd muchly appreciate it



I'm in Norfolk - not that close though :rolleyes:

yours would be the one I'd like to see more than anything to be honest, but I'm just wondering how a north face differs from normal one...

Where did you get your lift kit from?



got the lift kit from Dead Link Removed - In fact I got everything from them. Have a look at my website which lists the main differences. Still not updated with new picts yet !!

the lights in yr front bumper, are they fog lights or spot lights??

If you don't mind me asking, how much did the lift kit cost altogether?

was it easy to fit?

how come you did the gear change??

what's it like on the road?

sorry for all the questions, but I really like the way yours looks and would love mine to look something like that



the lights in yr front bumper, are they fog lights or spot lights??

If you don't mind me asking, how much did the lift kit cost altogether?

was it easy to fit?

how come you did the gear change??

what's it like on the road?

sorry for all the questions, but I really like the way yours looks and would love mine to look something like that



no problem -

lights are spots in the bumper

not sure, I will have to work it out and get back to you as I bought a lot at the same time.

long story to this -but basically it is was a pain in the arse, probably easier and more cost effective if you are mechanically minded, dont mind how long it takes, and and can do it yourself!

gear change is needed to compensate for the larger rolling diameter of the wheels with 33s fitted

On the road I have been very impressed. I had got ready for it to feel slightly less stable, a bit walllowy and it a bit OTT... none apply, IMO it feels even better than before the lift. On (Ahem) private roads it will happily cruise at 90-95mph if you so wish...

Cool, thanks for that... I'll probably have to buy it bit by bit then knock it together on my 4 days off...
I'm seriously looking at getting the lift kit tho, I think it looks awesome..

I'm also trying to get some front bars so i can mount a winch on the front..

I'm not too bothered about overall speed..

Where did you get yr wheels from? where they from the states too?

Cheers for your patience..

