Bouncing tach needle ???? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bouncing tach needle ????


Well-Known Member
October 3, 2008
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01 xlt
01 exp.4.0 I have a issue where the tach needle. It will start to bounce. While diving it will bounce all over the place then hang up around 4k, 4.5k . Then drop back to normal...
Any Ideas on how to fix or what is causing it..

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If it's just the tach and the engine isn't having issues, it sounds like an electrical issue with the tach itself. I couldn't find anything on a 2nd gen with tach issues, but I did find posts about 1st gen Explorers that were experiencing the same problem. A couple people found that the circuit board behind the tach had burned traces. They resoldered the traces and it fixed the issue for some folks. Others weren't so lucky and they had to replace the tach.

If it's just the tach and the engine isn't having issues, it sounds like an electrical issue with the tach itself. I couldn't find anything on a 2nd gen with tach issues, but I did find posts about 1st gen Explorers that were experiencing the same problem. A couple people found that the circuit board behind the tach had burned traces. They resoldered the traces and it fixed the issue for some folks. Others weren't so lucky and they had to replace the tach.

Thank you for he insight. will pull out tomorrow... Have a nice weekend

If it's just the tach and the engine isn't having issues, it sounds like an electrical issue with the tach itself. I couldn't find anything on a 2nd gen with tach issues, but I did find posts about 1st gen Explorers that were experiencing the same problem. A couple people found that the circuit board behind the tach had burned traces. They resoldered the traces and it fixed the issue for some folks. Others weren't so lucky and they had to replace the tach.
I am so sorry for the reply, after my stroke it is very easy to get side trac,,,,, look a
but thank you for the info. and again , sorry for the reply being so late

Anyone have any additional on this? My tach is erratic. No codes, engine runs great. Tach will drop to zero, hang up, jump all over. I reallllllly don’t want to swap the cluster, as I’m at 345k and the mileage has become a badge of honor hahaha

Anyone have any additional on this? My tach is erratic. No codes, engine runs great. Tach will drop to zero, hang up, jump all over. I reallllllly don’t want to swap the cluster, as I’m at 345k and the mileage has become a badge of honor hahaha
My dash did this

It was a solder joint on the tack itself
A contact issue
Without removing the cluster ur out of luck

I don’t mind removing the cluster and soldering…I just don’t want to have to replace it with another cluster that has a different mileage, ya know?
