Gilmer, TX 4-24-04 | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Gilmer, TX 4-24-04

OH Jefe you are going to the 700R4 now? GEESH!

OD in Low range? hahaha I whatever works! I always keep it out of OD when in LR.
I really like the BW1354, its not a bad case by any means! (plus its already in there) but I will have to do something as the truck becomes more and more trail rig....

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Rick said:
Speaking of video. Is there any online?

Not as of yet, I'll see if I can gehetto some vid and have it hosted.

BTW have you made a pic page of all the photos you shot?

410Fortune said:
Wow downshift for cloimbing a hill? What a concept! hahaha just kidding Jeff!

I was making one climb and short shifted to 2nd and hammered it, and low and behold she dug in and started to motovate up the climb, and the crowd started to holler! lmao, it was great!

SVO said:
Not as of yet, I'll see if I can gehetto some vid and have it hosted.

BTW have you made a pic page of all the photos you shot?
Send me something and ill host it. Not promising that it will be up longer than a few days, but i can gidder done. ;)

you rock James, I'll do that tonight.

Sinjin said:
Ohh and where in the hell is Michael? A run without him is like Home Depot with out the nuts.

Michael is currently in AZ. You two should look each other up ;)

Sinjin said:
Ohh and where in the hell is Michael?
Rod in AZ

And where have you been, stranger?

If anyone wants video hosted they can send it to me and I'll put it on this server.

I can't beleive Michael has been here for a couple weeks and has never called :rolleyes: See the Arizona curse has started already and he hasn't even moved yet.

Sorry Rick, I didn't mean to offend. I have been concentrating on the job hunt and haven't thought of much else yet. Rest assured that the curse will skip me. I haven't moved yet, but I did bring my explorer out here already.

Texas lost another one.

Just got done washing my truck for the second time... The first time, yesterday, was just to get off the thick stuff from the bottom and to hose out the interior. Today I actually washed the body and all of the gear that goes inside.

With one more wash of the underside to get the film of red clay off the axles and running gear it might start to look like it used to :D

Isnt it fun? My axles and frame are still red after a good wash. My interior is easy since there isnt an interior :) I shall get out there and finish the frame.

Take some pics of the half way clean explorer. Also we want a picture of that Texas rash you got above the canvas window.

I am finding CA clay to be very similar. At Los Coyotes last month it was right after rain and we were in mudd all day. After sittin on my skid plate for weeks after my tranny went, in the garage, and being baked by the heat of the drivetrain, it took a paint scraper to remove the clay from my skidplate! I could have eaten dinner off the 1" thick clay tray that was created....

Not like CO where it turns to sand and falls off on its own...this stuff is pottery!

Rick said:
Just got done washing my truck for the second time... The first time, yesterday, was just to get off the thick stuff from the bottom and to hose out the interior. Today I actually washed the body and all of the gear that goes inside.

With one more wash of the underside to get the film of red clay off the axles and running gear it might start to look like it used to :D

$20 to clean the rig, an hour to clean the trailer, and 2 hours to clean the Lightning and scrub the carpet in it. :(

And people wonder why I hate to wheel in mud. Dead Link Removed

we need more pictures :)

So who is gunna make a post, or several post, of everythign broken out there, i read here and there bout trail rash and what not, i seen John's Broken parts, and know Msupertek broke an axle shaft....


i'm def coming up for this run if there are enough people that want to do it again this summer, but my rig can't hang so i'll drive up but don't think i'll have my lockers in in time.

Who's got an extra seat for me?


look at this.....the dead shall its been a long time since i posted on this site. damn solectron and dell all i do is work. i had that weekend off but that warehouse job i have kills my prolly have to ride with jello x is to tall for the trails in gilmer.....*cough cough* im still looking for some people to wheel with in austin area...the sooner i get the fiero the soon ill be able to not park the truck. oh and is the video still available id like a copy if possable.


I just have alot of new dents. I guess laying it over will do that :)

Here are the pics after two seperate cleanups...


  • bumper_mud.jpg
    70.4 KB · Views: 241
  • mud.jpg
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  • rearwindow.jpg
    73.1 KB · Views: 234

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  • stilldirty.jpg
    93 KB · Views: 228
  • clean.jpg
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  • drain.jpg
    78.2 KB · Views: 249
