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"ICE" notification on my overhead console LED


New Member
December 14, 2003
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City, State
East Prairie, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 EB AWD
Last night, I noticed that my overhead console has the word "ICE" next to the temperature readout on the overhead console. At the time it was about 38 degrees outside. Has anyone experienced this before. Could someone explain what this is and how it works. I reviewed the manual yesterday and it made no mention on anything to do with an "ICE" notification.

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it just lets you know that there could be ice on the road. that's all

Yep. At 38 degrees and below, it will flash ICE every few seconds. Just a warning to be careful.

Great!!! I thought that was the case but wanted to make sure. You guys are quick. Bought my 97 EB V-8 AWD last summer and still learning all the bells and whistles. Thanks

Hmm.... Creative you are Black Magic :D

I kind of like your warning better.

My console always flashes ice because it is so cold. Since it is winter, I don't really see a point in warning people about ice (it's everywhere), but I guess it is a good thing to put that word into peoples heads so they will adjust their driving habits.

Mine does that too:D

Originally posted by yob_yeknom
Yep. At 38 degrees and below, it will flash ICE every few seconds. Just a warning to be careful.
That's weird, last I knew water froze at 32.

It's that interference from nuke-cle-er plants that George Bush speaks about that makes it freeze at 38.
Thank goodness he's informed the boys at Ford. ;)

Originally posted by sunbum
It's that interference from nuke-cle-er plants that George Bush speaks about that makes it freeze at 38.
Thank goodness he's informed the boys at Ford. ;)

Originally posted by lonestar
That's weird, last I knew water froze at 32.
LOL................I think this debate went on last year about this time.:D

It is just a warning that you are getting close to freezing conditions. As anyone who lives in the mountains will tell you, as you drive, temperature can vary +/- 10 degrees rather rapidly.

Then there is debate about what exact temperature ice will appear on bridges with cold, windy air on both sides.

The Explorer temp/compass console with show "ICE" at temps 38*F and below. That is just the temp that Ford chose.

It is all part of Vanilla Ice s big come back.

it can be 40 degrees out, but due to windchill factor, there can easily be ice present......

and it isnt a warning for all people as some will know about ice could be possible in certain climates, its more oriented towards people that drive their suv like a maniac and go on snow trips with them, they are used to warm city weather and may not be aware that ice is possible out in snow country

It always amuses me when people get in my Explorer, see that and ask "how does it know?":D

Originally posted by Robb
That is just the temp that Ford chose.

GM uses it too..my roommate's 2000 Sierra says the same thing on the rearview mirror compass/thermometer

"Wind Chill" only effects humans & some animals.
Its only effects on objects is to cool them to the ambiant temperature faster than if there was no wind.
So your temp guage on your X will be the same temp. if you are going 60 or standing still.

Mine did the same thing

Well, if flashed ICE at me every two seconds for the first minute. I didn' know if there was ice in the temp. sensor or if it was just a warning. Figured it was just a warning. and YES it is in your owner's manual. or at least it was in mine. Then, I read more about the cumpas and figured out that mine was in the wrong magnetic range. I set it and calibrated it.

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Originally posted by Bill Kemp
"Wind Chill" only effects humans & some animals.
Its only effects on objects is to cool them to the ambiant temperature faster than if there was no wind.
So your temp guage on your X will be the same temp. if you are going 60 or standing still.

This seems kinda odd to debate about.
I dunno about you guys, but I've found that a temp sensor on a vehicle can easily be off (inaccurate) by 2 or 3 degrees.
38 degrees is close enough to freezing that it's a good idea to have the warning. I'd rather it warn prematurely than just one bridge too late, but maybe that's just me?:rolleyes:

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