Newer Explorer rims on an older Explorer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Newer Explorer rims on an older Explorer?

I've tried searching through the posts because I'm sure someone has asked this already but there are 264 pages of posts that I wasn't about to look through so here we are.

I have a '94 Explorer 4x4 with manual locking hubs and was wondering if there were rims from newer models that would fit. Would I be able to keep the manual locking hubs? Will they basically fit with no problem? What years will fit? See, I don't really care about bling bling 20s so if I can go down to the junkyard and spend a tenth of the price on more updated looking rims from a newer Explorer then Jack's a happy boy.

Thanks in advance for you help!

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IMHO any 2nd generation explorer wheels should fit on 1st generation. There were no real differences in size or setback. Newer ones had 16" also with 265 tires on them.

The only question is if the whole in the middle of the rim would be big enough to fit on the front manual hub as you mentioned.

IMO - it will fit.

I have seen the teardrop rims on older Exploerers..the rest I am not so sure about.....

im pretty sure that the worst case scenario is that you have to cut a hole in the front center caps

they will physically fit, but the centercaps may not.... as stated above

Thanks so much for the input. How hard do you think it would be to drill out those center holes if need be?

I have a set of centercaps with the holes drilled in them already to accept hubs for the teardrop style rims that I will sell you for very cheap.

Well, truth be told, I'm not gonna be ready to buy rims for a while, but thanks.

Have2goski, has 3rd gen Explorer Rims on his 1st gen, and IMO it looks KILLER!

here are a few pics, in the secodn you cna see how he cut the front center cap to let teh hub stick out, but it still looks clean and nice.....


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That's what I was thinking. Thanks, XplorerKid.

nice job, and i'm not knocking it but it reminds me of one of those J***P cherokee( older style)

Any updates, I am also thinking about putting 16" rims on a 1994 Explorer and would prefer to buy a later Ford wheelset to save money...

Well, since then I decided I was more concerned with suspension upgrades before wheel upgrades. I might just get some 265/75/15s for the stock wheels (they've actually grown on me). Besides, after finding out that my wife is pregnant I think it's going to be harder to spend money on any part of the truck. It takes alot of begging on my part. ;)

Here's an alternative to the Ford wheels. They're off a Mazda pick-up (late 90's), and have the exact same specs as Explorer wheels. Wrecking yards should have plenty of them. They only were produced in 15" however. These are for 4x4's, the 4x2's are a different style.

I have 16" 3 spoke rims on my ex. And I wasn't too worry about cutting the center caps as they are a seperate piece of plastic. GOt it from a '98 explorer. And a tip if you don't want to cut center caps, then ghet wheel spacers

I will probably stick with 15s and go with 30 by 9.5s. I know I can go to 31s, but my car mechanic highly recommended against it since he had tried it for a customer once and the vehicle never drove right on the street.

Tried to get them from Discount Tire, but they will not install larger than factory on an Explorer due to liability reasons... bunch of BS...

XplorerKid said:
Have2goski, has 3rd gen Explorer Rims on his 1st gen, and IMO it looks KILLER!

here are a few pics, in the secodn you cna see how he cut the front center cap to let teh hub stick out, but it still looks clean and nice.....

What the heck does he have underneath the front? I LOVE that!! Its like a front fascia with fog lights....if I could get a beige one for my 93 eddie bauer...

lbrowne, I think it is made for newer Explorers. It looks like an Honest Charley Airdam.

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actually i thought that was the Ranger AirDamn, its like a stock airdamn that you can make fit....? Maybe PM him and ask....
