Retrofit Rear Tow Pkg Bumper Trim/Hitch to 2017 XLT? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Retrofit Rear Tow Pkg Bumper Trim/Hitch to 2017 XLT?


Well-Known Member
August 2, 2000
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City, State
Willington, CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 XLT SAP
Greetings, everyone! After years away, happy to be back in another Explorer. The wife and I just picked up an all-gray 2017 Sport Appearance Pkg with only 65k miles. Only thing it lacks that we need is a rear hitch, but I really don't want one of those always-visible under the bumper ones and really love the way the factory tow package comes with the cover that hides it when not in use.

When I look at the bumpers of the non-tow pkg and tow pkg, they seem identical except for the middle insert area; am I correct to assume changing over to the factory tow setup means just replacing this middle piece of the bumper as opposed to the entire bumper? Or do you need the entire bumper replaced?

Back in the day, granted this is about 20 years ago now, but there used to be a gentleman on the forums who I believed worked at Tousley Ford and hooked up forum members on part purchases; he still around?


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Just FYI, you will be limited to towing no more that 2000 lbs with an aftermarket tow package. Only the factory-installed tow package allows for 5,000 lbs.
You mentioned "replacing this middle piece of the bumper as opposed to the entire bumper?" To my knowledge, the non tow bumper doesn't have a "middle piece" so are you looking at cutting one into the bumper and leaving a hole? I believe the cover snaps into place so the bumper needs to be able to hold it.
Levittown Ford is a forum vendor and offers members a discount. Benny has been very helpful and may be able to assist you with some questions.


Greetings, everyone! After years away, happy to be back in another Explorer. The wife and I just picked up an all-gray 2017 Sport Appearance Pkg with only 65k miles. Only thing it lacks that we need is a rear hitch, but I really don't want one of those always-visible under the bumper ones and really love the way the factory tow package comes with the cover that hides it when not in use.

When I look at the bumpers of the non-tow pkg and tow pkg, they seem identical except for the middle insert area; am I correct to assume changing over to the factory tow setup means just replacing this middle piece of the bumper as opposed to the entire bumper? Or do you need the entire bumper replaced?

Back in the day, granted this is about 20 years ago now, but there used to be a gentleman on the forums who I believed worked at Tousley Ford and hooked up forum members on part purchases; he still around?

I did something similar recently getting prices for the parts and a breakdown of parts on a "16. The lowest rear filler (black) with the reflectors needs replacing which has the removable hitch filler (sold separate). My price on the Ford class III hitch was about $327 (YMMV). I of course cannot find my diagram with other prices right now.
Best thing to do is find another "17 that has factory tow and get the last 8 of VIN for diagrams and prices at your Dealer parts counter. They also have a plug and play 4 flat trailer wire harness which is reasonable price wise.

I found a diagram from Ford. The two lowest pieces in the diagram are what needs to be replaced. 17K835C which is about $100 and if memory serves correct the 17F000 $50. The tow bar was around $300. I cannot guarantee without further investigation this is complete.
FYI, the Ford parts site is the most expensive place to buy from. It is what dealers use to price items. As mentioned in my previous post. Levittown Ford will have lower prices on all the components required. Here is the same part that is in the link you posted; Search Results | Levittown Ford Parts
As a forum vendor, it would be nice to support them.


Thanks for the info guys! I'll definitely reach out to Levittown once I know what I need.

FYI the Ford "accessory" hitch for non tow equipped explorers comes with a panel to integrate into the stock bumper instead of hanging down. You cut out a piece with a template and install a new panel that trims out the hitch nicely. The 11-15 kit actually retrofitted the full cover, but the 16-19 version doesn't have a way to completely cover it, but does still look much nicer than the average below the bumper hitch install.
