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Show us your custom bumper photos!!


What leafs are you running ?

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I managed to get my bumpers both done finally.

They are documented in my build thread. I used 2" .120 wall tubing for the main tubes and 1" .120 wall tubing for the headlight wraps. I am still trying to decide if i am going to do a swing-out tire mount on the rear bumper. The front houses a 9,000 lb. winch behind the flip up license plate. It also has recovery points, antenna mounts and lighting mounts.

I managed to get my bumpers both done finally.

luv ur bumpers. they look very nice. ur front on looks kinda like mine



They are documented in my build thread. I used 2" .120 wall tubing for the main tubes and 1" .120 wall tubing for the headlight wraps. I am still trying to decide if i am going to do a swing-out tire mount on the rear bumper. The front houses a 9,000 lb. winch behind the flip up license plate. It also has recovery points, antenna mounts and lighting mounts.

I managed to get my bumpers both done finally.



They are documented in my build thread. I used 2" .120 wall tubing for the main tubes and 1" .120 wall tubing for the headlight wraps. I am still trying to decide if i am going to do a swing-out tire mount on the rear bumper. The front houses a 9,000 lb. winch behind the flip up license plate. It also has recovery points, antenna mounts and lighting mounts.

Where can I find your build thread ?

Thanks.. I like yours too, i see the similarities.

Not from an Explorer, but I made these. The style could be adapted pretty easily to fit an X. Doug and I have been looking at making a similar set for his Explorer, but making the rear bumper double as an air tank, and adding a swing-away tire carrier to it.

Here's the front in "kit form :)

Here's the finished product:


Here's the rear bumper:
Well this is interesting haha the 1st reply in the thread is of a part for a different type of whip than this forum is even for haha and pics of a Sammy too!

You pulled it off though for sure, nice bumper and clean little Sammy dude


Two inch receiver for my winch, made out of 4" channel with 1/4" top plate and top edge, brush bar is 2" steel tubing.

Are you in the Bay Area? I recognize the 454 Motorsports sticker.

Old OEM plastic bumper cracked and rattled. Built this for better clearance on the trail. 2"x.120" tubing, 3/16" plate, receiver. Don't look close, --hadn't welded much since jr high, lol.


  • ST with welded rear bumpera1.jpg
    ST with welded rear bumpera1.jpg
    267.6 KB · Views: 238

Here’s my bumpers. Front is a weld it together kit from a XJ. Rear is custom built with .120 1.75 DOM tubing. Thinking of redoing the front bumper…








Front bumper looks good. Why did you make the loop so long for the tire carrier? Maybe planning on adding a gas can? It's too long in my opinion. The shorter the lengths, the stronger it will be. The tire is heavy and the wiggle while going down the road can cause it to fail. You gusseted the heck out of the mount, but not the tube.

I left room for the tag mount, a drop table and jerry can mounts. Also, the tire is mounted closer to the swing so the weight is on that side and not in the center and when it’s latched there is a center support that the “weight” rest on.. not the latch or swing. It’s doesn’t wiggle much at all and doesn’t sag when open.

I left room for the tag mount, a drop table and jerry can mounts. Also, the tire is mounted closer to the swing so the weight is on that side and not in the center and when it’s latched there is a center support that the “weight” rest on.. not the latch or swing. It’s doesn’t wiggle much at all and doesn’t sag when open.
OK, cool. I would add a gusset at the other end, maybe join the down tube and the latch point so it doesn't want to crack there. I have never seen anyone use two rod ends for a tire carrier, I like that.

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While I can't take credit for the design, or the cutting, or the welding... (Ok, I didn't make it myself, lol) I did paint it myself! :)
Gotta give credit to RockRanger for all the hard work and to Matt (Local Welder) for the assembly. Still I think it counts as a custom bumper.
I think its one of the very few bumpers on here that isn't painted black! :)

