Truck Haven 2007: The Movie | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truck Haven 2007: The Movie


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
Hello first I would like to say thank you to all who donated video. This video is a little different from past videos. However, I hope you all still enjoy it.

Truck Haven 2007
Click here for this movie!


I thought some would like to review. So here are a few videos from past years...Enjoy:popcorn:

Truck Haven 2006
Click here for this movie!

Truck Haven 2005
Click here for this movie!

Truck Haven 2004
Click here for this movie!

Also I'd like to thank Jefe....because, I'm not sure if he knows but he is still hosting T-haven 2005 & 2006:D Thanks Jefe:p:

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I have seen the movie!!!! Wayyyyyyyy cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rank does have it priviledge!:p: :p: :p: :p:

ghey lol

this baby better be out exactly at 12:01 lol its been getting me for the last three days.

CComments from the Skunk

Now being a 2wd fan, I did stumble on the site here and the movies. And I must say....

Well Done

The music fit the videos, editing was dead smooth.

Rolling Stones Gimmee Shelter is only 1 of only 2 songs of them that I do like.

The different camera angles from various trucks, even the under carrage was eye opening.:biggthump:

Now I can't wait for the movie now, dammit.... :D

Now your next project, is to add some street 2wd Explorers from shows or cruise nights.

From a fan, and hopeful Explorer owner from F150online forums site...


Here's to the best damn website on the internets and to the So Cal crew for continuing the greatness (yes you norcal and AZ guys too)

its slang, possibly derived from Homer Simpson

Oooooooooooooh aaaaaaaaaah.

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Dang man those were good.

So is there a camera on a magnetic base and you just move it around? Very good placement.

Can't wait for the 07.
