Truck Haven 2007: The Movie | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truck Haven 2007: The Movie

Wait my shock and door was damaged in the making of this film!

You did that at Walmart the night before, mall crawling. You know your wife would not be as mad if you told her you did it wheeling.


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Allright, come on... there's GOT to be way better footage than that... that looked just like last year's, only shorter. :p The first minute was all credits. I admit I giggled at the thought of a spud-gun vs. RC plane clip, but it would've been a LOT funnier if the plane had sustained a hit...

Other than that, cool video once again!


I wanna see more footage! Any of the Zuk or Pumpkin?
Man I need video on my rig for sure, and rock lights, and rc planes, and potato cannons, etc etc

how did i forget about this thread?

great vid..enjoyed it..and nice job on the editing..

movie was great good job on it

Good job by the way i guess no one cuaght(sp?) the heroic save of the tiki's from certain death during the Xmas tree burn?

Good job by the way i guess no one cuaght(sp?) the heroic save of the tiki's from certain death during the Xmas tree burn?
Yeah, but it was obvious it was just stunt-doubles . . . .
