Uwharrie National Park - July 3rd, 4th, & 5th - | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Uwharrie National Park - July 3rd, 4th, & 5th -

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Scott and Brandon, you will both be able to run any trail, just take the bypasses in a few places. We had a 4 door tracker open/open on 33's follow us up Daniel last weekend.

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Would you happen to have a 35" spare? I still got to find one for myself.

I think my brother's got a 35 with a plug in the sidewall and somebody attempted to sipe the tread...

Scott and Brandon, you will both be able to run any trail, just take the bypasses in a few places. We had a 4 door tracker open/open on 33's follow us up Daniel last weekend.

Might follow you in that case :thumbsup:

PMed Josh...


When are you heading up?


When are you heading up?

It really depends on who goes with me, but I'm planning on leaving here EARLY Saturday morning to be on the trails by noon. I've got campsites reserved for Saturday and Sunday nights.

I don't think you can check in to Arrowhead till like 4, so I'll go straight to the main parking area and unload, then set up camp that night.

When is everyone else planning on gettin there?

So would it be safe to say that we can have a group meeting on saturday morning so we can get wheeling? Just not sure what time you guys want to meet.

I wasn't planning on being there real early, but if you're going to meet I might roll out of here at 4:00 am :).

Im ok with waiting till everyone gets there that way we can wheel as a group on the first day.

I wasn't planning on getting there till like noon, but that's too late for ya'll if you're coming in friday night. You set the time, and I'll either make it or meet up with you on the trails. I've got a good tuned CB, so if somebody else has a good one I should be able to find you.

Im going to have mine put in as well so we should be able to be found. I think if we start wheeling at 12 that would be ok with me. I mean we are wheeling sat-mon so its what ever is best for you guys coming in. I took a extra 2 days to get there and get back so im down for what you guys need.

I'm planning on leaving Fri and getting there sometime in the evening so I don't have to wake up really early Sat. and drive and then wheel all day (I've done that way too many times and it wasn't fun.)

My CB is set up pretty good and I should be able to get out pretty good depending on where we are and how much tree cover is over us.

All this talk about CB's.. Having mine wired directly to my battery blew it up this past weekend.

I'll be tracking down a cheap new one..

So did we ever get a CB channel? How about 8? How does that sound?

Anyone got any last min wrenching to do?

Channel 8 will work, as long as when we get up there and no one else is using it!

Ok then that will be the plan. Ch 8 unless we have problems on that one.

I just spent a few hours tracking down a missing ground on the trailer. Man it was insane.......

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Anyone got any last min wrenching to do?

I am always wreching.:D

Getting ready to order a set of sliders. Hopefully I can get them on by Uwharrie. Should be no problem.

Also going to be putting a snorkle on this weekend.

Probably will come up with some more stuff to do between now and then. Need to go back to the junkyard to get some more spare axles and a few other things.

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