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Just an update on the hood. I fiberglassed it to make it look like its one piece with the hood. Got the idea from a 4runner. :)



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That looks awesome!

Yeah dude, most awesome.

I wish my first generation hood had a little bit more curve to it, it's just slightly to square for a hood scoop IMO

Do you do your own painting? How are you getting the front grille and the hood painted? Friend? Yourself? Shop? Free hookup?

I have "a paint guy" that does an okay job for a good price. I really can't afford a top notch quality paint job so he will do just fine. :)

I am planning to get the entire truck re-sprayed. The only thing left that does not need a new paint is the passenger side fender and 2 doors so I might as well. He quoted me $2500 for the same color or $3500 for a new color. I'm thinking I'd keep the same color and do flat black on the hood and bumper (same as the Boss F150) or do a color change to all flat black. I can't decide yet. Any suggestions? :)

But then again, I've seen that thread where a member did his truck in his own garage and came out great. Its giving me ideas. Pocketing that $2500 is very tempting.

The rollpan is finally on. Got sick of going bumperless. :D
I kept the OEM rear side valance to give it a little flair.


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I'm actually scared to parallel park now. LOL

where did you get the roll pan?
I'm interested to know as well. Looks really good. Where'd you get the hood scoop at also? Is it just one of those lund stick on ones?

New calipers (painted black), caliper brackets, Hawk brake pads, and Powerslot rotors.
I'm getting a welding machine this Tuesday. I'm gonna try my hands on welding... so help me, god. :D


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Paint it!!!! o.o

Ever run the idea of painting them red instead? I've always loved that look. [Or yellow.. or any sport color as long as the body is the same]

Either way, looks good.

If there was a difference in stopping power between OEM and Powerslot/Hawk pads, its not much... but it sures looks good though. :D Custom paint will come in time. Funds are low right now specially that Christmas is just around the corner. Real life sucks, eh? :(

Yeah.... I have so much I want to do. Arg..

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how did you get those holes in your hood cut so straight and even????? :eek: they look amazing!!

.....binging this back from the dead
