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Morimoto Mini H1 Retrofit

Thought I share my install currently underway. I am going slow and not rushing this as I want to get it right the first time. Started with the Morimoto Mini H1 4.1 Bi-xenon Projectors and graphite shrouds from and the Black Crystal Headlights from ebay.

I didn't realize how transparent the shrouds are so I painted the insides with aluminum engine paint to fix that.


I am also installing the dummy alarm LED's in them to flash when the truck is off. I used one of the existing holes in the base of the projector's and angle drilled it to fit the LED.
Here you can see the hole.


And with LED.


I attached the LED's with the same Silicone II that is recommended to install the projectors.
Here is a test pic with the shrouds installed.

My goal is to hook both sides up to one of the flashers so they will both be flashing in sync with each other. That is as far as I have gotten so far and will update as I go. Again I am taking my time on these, so I may not have anything til next weekend.

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Well after getting the headlights aimed. The passengers side projector is slightly off counter clockwise and needs to be tweaked clockwise which I'm debating even doing now since the slide marks have been painted already and I'd have to remount the shroud again to the projector.:mad:

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I had to redo one side as well. Better to know now then after putting the lens on. The second time I used a 90 degree square to check the alignment of the projector. With everything still wet I was able to use a screw driver in the notch for the bulb, and rotate the projector to make it straight.

Gonna try that with cutting one of the lower zip ties and see if I can tweak it then with the screw driver in the notch for the bulb.

UPDATE: SO I was able to get the projector tweaked a little bit and am using clear silicone to secure the lense to the headlight housing and also did both little holes drilled for the wires to the projector solenoid. Now letting it cure check and then install it and then finally done.

Here's the pic


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Project is FINALLY done and want to thank Jason and Brandon for staying online with me yesterday as I was tackling this and coming back and forth online with questions and Celly for busting my chops on the other projector thread to get me going in the right direction for projectors. But here are the final pics


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Nice Work! You really hauled a$$ on those. I am curious how those LED's look lit in those clear headlights.

I'm leaving town in a couple days and wanted to get it done and it snowed today and I'm almost out of Kerosene for my heater in the garage so glad I got it done yesterday. But yeah I have LED's in all of my interior lighting and on my back up lights and all turn signals. But I will take a pic of the LED's for you in a bit and post them up.

Nice work. Does having that monster bush guard on there impact the lights at all?

Not at all. Went and drove it around last night to see if it did on well light roads to dark blacked out roads and doesn't affect it one bit.

EDIT: Here is the one outside with the the LED's and Headlights and will take one tonight with just LED's and then LED's and headlights.


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looks great guys, good job.

Just had a few questions about the retrofit. If I get the morimoto projectors for my 3rd gen will they still work even though the hi and lo beam are two separate bulbs?

I'm sure they might sell a harness kit for that on I'm kinda curious myself as a couple of my co workers are thinking of doing the same thing.

Looks good Steeda04SVT.

looks great guys, good job.

Just had a few questions about the retrofit. If I get the morimoto projectors for my 3rd gen will they still work even though the hi and lo beam are two separate bulbs?
I think I have seen a thread or two on here for the 3rd gen retrofit.
You wouldn't have to worry about hooking up the high beam side of it. You might not even need to get the kit, just the projectors and a HID's. The HID kit comes with a single function harness.
Or you could get the kit and hook up the high beams anyway and have double high beams.

Looks good Steeda04SVT.

I think I have seen a thread or two on here for the 3rd gen retrofit.
You wouldn't have to worry about hooking up the high beam side of it. You might not even need to get the kit, just the projectors and a HID's. The HID kit comes with a single function harness.
Or you could get the kit and hook up the high beams anyway and have double high beams.

I was thinking of just buying the projectors and some h1 bulbs and giving it a go.
I dont really use my high beams much anyway so Im not worried about them not being HIDs. I just think the shrouds they give you with the projectors would be too small for the size of the headlight.

Question for you guys;

I've got the headlights mounted and ready to go. I used the 9007 Bi-Xenon harness they include with the kit. When I plug it all in properly, the projectors are on high beam (solenoids are powered) with my truck on low beam. When I flip my truck to high beams the HID's go out and I'm almost certain I can hear the solenoids close as well.

LINK for reference <-- this is exactly how I have it all plugged in

Any suggestions as to what pins I should swap/solder/mess with? I've swapped the connectors (but no pins) as the directions suggest, but any different configuration keeps the solenoids up and keeps the high beam light on the dashboard on.

I'm about as useless as a screen door on a submarine when it comes to wiring.

Question for you guys;

I've got the headlights mounted and ready to go. I used the 9007 Bi-Xenon harness they include with the kit. When I plug it all in properly, the projectors are on high beam (solenoids are powered) with my truck on low beam. When I flip my truck to high beams the HID's go out and I'm almost certain I can hear the solenoids close as well.

LINK for reference <-- this is exactly how I have it all plugged in

Any suggestions as to what pins I should swap/solder/mess with? I've swapped the connectors (but no pins) as the directions suggest, but any different configuration keeps the solenoids up and keeps the high beam light on the dashboard on.

I'm about as useless as a screen door on a submarine when it comes to wiring.

If I remember correctly, we tested the 3 pins that go to the headlight plug and the black is obviously the ground and the green went to the low beam side and can't remember the third wire color but it was obviously high mean.

Now when I plugged my harness in, like the pic showed too. My projectors were stuck on high beam and if I went to push the MFS to high beam or flash to pass it would shut off on me and my high beam light was constantly on the IP no matter what I did. So after swapping the pins around on the headlight plug that still didn't work. So this is what I did Brandon

UPDATE: Got it working now. I swapped the plugs around on each side so that way the wires going to the projector solenoid are going to the black and orange (#4) plugs and the (#5) blue and black are going to the ballast now and it works like a champ.

Hope that makes sense and once I did that everything worked like it was supposed to and used my headlights a lot on this 700 mile trip home and no problems with them at all. Try that and see if it works and let us know Brandon.

Do you get any fogging when you use them? I noticed when mine have been on for a while I get a little fogging in the bottom corners. I am not getting any rain in there and they don't fog up when they haven't been used.

No fogging that ive noticed and I check them out regularly to make sure Im good even if its just been a week since they were installed.

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Hope that makes sense and once I did that everything worked like it was supposed to and used my headlights a lot on this 700 mile trip home and no problems with them at all. Try that and see if it works and let us know Brandon.

I tried exactly what you said, swapped the harness plugs between the ballasts and solenoids (#5 blue and #4 orange) first, when I do that my high beam indicator stays lit on the dash no matter what, and when the MFS is in the Low Beam position the projectors are on high beam. When the MFS is on high beam the projectors flip to Low beam.

I think something may be wired incorrectly on my part, so I may just wait until the day tomorrow to fool with it. I have to get it in somewhat working order by tomorrow evening as we're supposed to get quite a few inches of snow Sun-Mon :(
