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BODY MODS (old skool style)

Here's my '97 Explorer 2wd 5-spd when I bought it

This the way she looked after the first round of mods

And now is under construction (heavily influinced by the likes of Gearge Barris, Ed Roth, Bill Hines etc.) with some old skool body mods.

With the help of a '94 Explorer Sport as a parts truck

I am building 'The One Ford Never Built' So here we go






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The long wheel base two door is really cool! Very creative, I never even imagined doing such a thing:chug:

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That's what I thought he was getting at, here in Canada we just call 'em plates. It will be staying in the bumper, only the bumper will be smoothed and tucked simular to what I did to the front one.

Do you like the body lines and curves on the 91-94 better or why did you choose to use the older versions hatch

Do you like the body lines and curves on the 91-94 better or why did you choose to use the older versions hatch

two reasons:
1- the 1st Gen's 3rd brake light is way easier to shave.
2- my parts truck was a '94 and the hatch was in better shape :D

Ever wondered what your quarters looked like under those plastic moldings? Something like this

With some help of a pair of donor front fenders, I was able to match the flare of the front wheel opening

beautiful metalwork!!!! Any idea how hard it would be to create a "raised roof" area where the the roof rack would normally be ala durango or xterra? Only reason I ask is that I installed a 3rd row forward facing seat with built in child seats, but when they get bigger, or the older kids cant really sit back there without having their head a few inches from the ceiling.

beautiful metalwork!!!! Any idea how hard it would be to create a "raised roof" area where the the roof rack would normally be ala durango or xterra? Only reason I ask is that I installed a 3rd row forward facing seat with built in child seats, but when they get bigger, or the older kids cant really sit back there without having their head a few inches from the ceiling.

I'd cut the roof off a Sport Trac and weld that on top. The tricky part would making sure you tie everything in to be structurally sound.

I'd cut the roof off a Sport Trac and weld that on top. The tricky part would making sure you tie everything in to be structurally sound.
awesome idea, and agreed on structure re-enforcements! Thanks!! Not that Im gonna go start today, but at least I now have more of an idea to plan.

If you can find a vista roof off a early to mid 70's station wagon that would be awesome. I think it was on Buick's but the roof had two or three small windows down both sides that were about three inches tall.

The metal work is pretty much done on the main body, still have a few odds and ends to finish up here and there but she's was done enough to get it to VanFest in 'Under Construction' class (once I figure out how to get pics from my phone to photobucket I'll post a few from the show) But here's a few from taking it out of the garage for the first time in over2yrs.


Looking good :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

beautiful metalwork!!!! Any idea how hard it would be to create a "raised roof" area where the the roof rack would normally be ala durango or xterra? Only reason I ask is that I installed a 3rd row forward facing seat with built in child seats, but when they get bigger, or the older kids cant really sit back there without having their head a few inches from the ceiling.

There are the Centaurus Conversion Explorers that have a raised roof...




Images courtesy of http:/ /www.cardomain.com

is that a camero esk front end?

The metal work is pretty much done on the main body, still have a few odds and ends to finish up here and there but she's was done enough to get it to VanFest in 'Under Construction' class (once I figure out how to get pics from my phone to photobucket I'll post a few from the show) But here's a few from taking it out of the garage for the first time in over2yrs.

Go into upload to photobucket. Click on the "more" option. scroll down to "mobile phone". It will give you something like this "you.12345@uploads.photobucket.com". text the pics to that address, they will go right into your album.

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Go into upload to photobucket. Click on the "more" option. scroll down to "mobile phone". It will give you something like this "you.12345@uploads.photobucket.com". text the pics to that address, they will go right into your album.

there is a photobucket app. its free and easy as pie.

BTW the explorer is looking great.
Now for 6,745,912 hours of mud work right ?
