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My 2012 Ford Explorer Limited

Hi Rob. From your post I assume that your remote start did work at one time. A few new owners forget about having to press the 'lock' button first but since yours did work, that shouldn't be the issue. Have you confirmed that the remote start system is 'Enabled'? That may sound like a dumb question but I have had the odd thing come up disabled, seemingly on its own at times. Since updating to the new version, I have had the radio come up in OFF state 4 times even though it was ON when I turned the vehicle off. Electronic gremlins at work I guess.;)


Peter, it is the Moon or the Aurora Borealus.

BTW, brilliantly explained.


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Peter, Yes I have used the remote start feature several times and did verify that the option was set to "enable".

I was also hoping to see what version I was on, on the sync application and was not having much luck. I did sign up to "My Sync" (syncmyride.com) and saw some update out there. Any tips on finding out what version I am on???

Also, I will be placing my order for the running boards and mud flaps/guard tomorrow! Very excited!!!


Peter, Yes I have used the remote start feature several times and did verify that the option was set to "enable".

I was also hoping to see what version I was on, on the sync application and was not having much luck. I did sign up to "My Sync" (syncmyride.com) and saw some update out there. Any tips on finding out what version I am on???

Also, I will be placing my order for the running boards and mud flaps/guard tomorrow! Very excited!!!

Your syncmyride (SMR) account should show what the latest version is that you have and they have information on. One way to verify that is to run a vehicle health report (VHR). That, I am told, will update your SMR account. You can also do it by using the status checker tool method that is explained on the SMR site. In Canada we do not have the VHR so I am not familiar with it.


Excited!!! Just ordered the running boards and brackets along with the mud flaps.

Remote start update: Well it turns out that the remote start has work the last 3 times I have tried it (weird). But also good that I also have the extended warranty (PremiumCARE) and all should be covered should I continue to have issues with the remote start.


What is a bit upsetting is that I would get a Ford support rep on the line and they are not aware that the Limited comes with a remote start. They kept saying that it was an after market and I would have to inform them again that "IT COMES" with the limited edition.... They need to be aware of this!!!!

Excited!!! Just ordered the running boards and brackets along with the mud flaps.

Remote start update: Well it turns out that the remote start has work the last 3 times I have tried it (weird). But also good that I also have the extended warranty (PremiumCARE) and all should be covered should I continue to have issues with the remote start.


What is a bit upsetting is that I would get a Ford support rep on the line and they are not aware that the Limited comes with a remote start. They kept saying that it was an after market and I would have to inform them again that "IT COMES" with the limited edition.... They need to be aware of this!!!!

Hi rob-m007,

Maybe the person you talked to didn't have their morning coffee yet. ;) The ordering guide for the 2012 Explorer Limited lists remote start as standard equipment.

I'm glad to hear that you love your truck! If you need any assistance in the future, you know how to reach me.


Do you still have your Explorer?

If so, how are you Dee Zee running boards holding up?

I'm disappointed in mine...as the chrome is coming on the front edge of both of them.

Does anyone else have issues with their Dee Zee running boards and the chrome covering?

Peter, Thanks for the updated info - I see he has a 2016 - but it also looks like he is using the same running boards; unless those are factory running boards (sorry, I have not been following the latest models and what they come with).

I also see from his pics, that he also installed the vent visors, shark fin antenna, and rear bumper cover.

I'll upload some pics of my original Dee Zee running boards though - as I'm curious how they held up for others on here - I know a lot of us bought them back a few years ago; as we were disappointed that Ford did not even offer them as an after-accessory.

Peter, Thanks for the updated info - I see he has a 2016 - but it also looks like he is using the same running boards; unless those are factory running boards (sorry, I have not been following the latest models and what they come with).

I also see from his pics, that he also installed the vent visors, shark fin antenna, and rear bumper cover.

I'll upload some pics of my original Dee Zee running boards though - as I'm curious how they held up for others on here - I know a lot of us bought them back a few years ago; as we were disappointed that Ford did not even offer them as an after-accessory.
Factory running boards are a late availability item on the 2017 models so those are either his old boards or new ones. The Shark Fin antenna is now OEM beginning with the 2016 model year.

