SYNC 3.4 Most recent version? | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SYNC 3.4 Most recent version?

Your right Peter. Guess I just never noticed the plus sign before.

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Since you are answering questions and I am now going to highjack this thread:
1: Why if I put the ST in Eco mode does it not stay in Eco mode when I shut the car off?
2: Why does changing driving modes take so damn long, heck with ADHD sometimes it goes away before I notice it finally changed or popped up to change

1) because eco mode and ST is an oxymoron.

1) because eco mode and ST is an oxymoron.

Hah. Yeah, it's the same on all of them though with these new setups. Annoys the crap out of me on my Escape Hybrid that it won't stay in Eco. Fusion Hybrid has a hard button, set it and forget it.

Update is now available at

Others may have noted this, but I got 20136 OTA (via WiFi). Just noticed it today, and I have not done any USB updates on this vehicle. As for the + button on the backup camera screen, I did see that a few times on 19101, but it didn't work at all (despite being described in the manual). Works now with 20136. This is definitely new.

Sync 3 20196 has been up on Cyanlabs. Just use their Ford Sync Update Downloader. If you are not doing an update to maps, fill in the dropdowns and use manual configuration. It'll prepare the USB thumbstick for you. Took about 20 minutes. Seems to be audio changes with this version and I don't notice any issues with this version. That said, 20136 seems excellent but I was still getting some blank screen and GPS startup inaccuracy that also may be due to my iphone/waze. Here's a link you may want to check out first: Sync 3.4.20196 - Feedback & Issues

Hi there. Have only had my 2020 Explorer ST for about 12 hours (3rd one, had a 2012 LTD and 2016 Platinum)... Loving my new ST! When I connected to one of the Wi-Fi networks at home from the car using the Settings > Connectivity > Vehicle Wi-Fi, an update begins downloading. I'm wondering what is in this one... And, importantly, the best way to have it complete. Looks to be going slowly and I imagine the car will power down the Accessory Power eventually... Will the update resume?
Can I pull this down another way, perhaps to a USB stick....


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Hi there. Have only had my 2020 Explorer ST for about 12 hours (3rd one, had a 2012 LTD and 2016 Platinum)... Loving my new ST! When I connected to one of the Wi-Fi networks at home from the car using the Settings > Connectivity > Vehicle Wi-Fi, an update begins downloading. I'm wondering what is in this one... And, importantly, the best way to have it complete. Looks to be going slowly and I imagine the car will power down the Accessory Power eventually... Will the update resume?
Can I pull this down another way, perhaps to a USB stick....

Found what I needed here I think. Went to ns I see that update is for SYNC 3, latest version. 1.2 Gigabytes. Am downloading that to a formatted with ExFAT USB stick and if it doesn't complete OTA via Wi-Fi supposeI will try it there. I understand there is the addition of Waze and Alexa??

BTW, may be forum admins want to move this to the SYNC 3 Forum- up to you all.

Any advice on this appreciated.


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    Screenshot 2020-09-23 111353.png
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Check your map version. The latest one is NA119 that just came out a few months ago.

Found what I needed here I think. Went to ns I see that update is for SYNC 3, latest version. 1.2 Gigabytes. Am downloading that to a formatted with ExFAT USB stick and if it doesn't complete OTA via Wi-Fi supposeI will try it there. I understand there is the addition of Waze and Alexa??

BTW, may be forum admins want to move this to the SYNC 3 Forum- up to you all.

Any advice on this appreciated.
It took about 15 minutes or so to upgrade my system from the USB drive. I think OTA updates have just started recently. I believe it is noted that the 20136 update will resume from the point it left off. Unfortunately, the map update will not and reports of it taking up to 90 minutes have been reported. I have that on a USB as well but don't intend to let the vehicle idle for that long and have no extended trips planned.


Peter - where did you pull down the Map Update to a USB stick?

BTW my Sync upgrade worked fine and the .XML log files confirmed that.

Found the maps site, am downloading the 11.5GB file for that now....

I have not updated, but my Ex is on the wifi, i'll have to check the version and see if it self updated.

How does the Edge get Sync 4 before the Explorer?? Very disappointing of Ford.


I had just read that. Rather surprising.

How does the Edge get Sync 4 before the Explorer?? Very disappointing of Ford.

In 2016, there were a few Ford products that received Sync 3 before the Explorer did in 2017. Ford seems to like to phase these things in which may be a good idea if there are problems found in the product.


In 2016, there were a few Ford products that received Sync 3 before the Explorer did in 2017. Ford seems to like to phase these things in which may be a good idea if there are problems found in the product.


Eh, I'd agree with you except they're launching Sync 4 in the 21 F150...America's top selling vehicle. So I don't buy that argument.

What better way to test it? :D In any case, phasing it in was done with Sync 3.
From an Internet Search.
"The first vehicles to have the option of Ford's Sync 4 with this added parking and gas information capability will be the Mustang Mach-E, the 2021 F-150, and the two-door and four-door Bronco. The F-150 gets it first, and a Ford spokesman told Car and Driver that Sync 4 will be standard on all F-150 trim levels."


The new Exp is only 1MY old. These large scale changes are usually phased in with mid cycle updates new / “new” updated models first.

The new Exp is only 1MY old. These large scale changes are usually phased in with mid cycle updates new / “new” updated models first.

I think that is exactly what will happen. I am betting the Explorer will receive an infotainment screen update for 2022 that will include Sync 4.

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I think that is exactly what will happen. I am betting the Explorer will receive an infotainment screen update for 2022 that will include Sync 4.

Ford won't offer it, but aftermarket may. Just get ready to pay or do some crashed explorer part finding.
